
the car junkie daily magazine.


What Is The Dumbest Automotive Related Thing You Have Ever Done?

What Is The Dumbest Automotive Related Thing You Have Ever Done?

Paying about a million bucks for some old coveralls, crashing a Lamborghini you just won, buying an awful shitbox of a car, getting stuck without help, etc. These are but a few of the stupid things that any gearhead can do to themselves. We’ve all done something idiotic in some shape of form as car guys and girls, now is the time to admit it.

My epic fail? Two words, Chrysler Pacifica. It is a terrible car that we bought at the wrong time, for the wrong price, from the wrong dealer, and now I’ll own it for another painful span of time. It sucks in every way, shape, and form. The only redeeming quality about the whole car is the fact that it literally cannot get going fast enough to be involved in a serious accident.

So that’s me bearing my soul and admitting my biggest example of automotive stupidity. What’s yours? Perhaps you once decided to race a guy on a highway only to find out that it was an undercover cop? (also me). Maybe it was the time in high school you decided to slide your car around an off ramp and blew out two tires on a high granite curb (yep, me again) or maybe….Ok, I’m done.

What’s the dumbest automotive thing you have ever done? (Include any automotive related examples, not just stupid crap you’ve bought!)




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