Craigslist Find: It’s One Part Ford, One Part Deuce And A Half, And Completely Awesome!

Craigslist Find: It’s One Part Ford, One Part Deuce And A Half, And Completely Awesome!

Yesterday’s “bug out” Chevrolet Express van didn’t quite go over as well as we’d thought it would, but the reasoning is pretty sound: van guys have been tricking out the rolling breadboxes longer than I’ve been alive and overall, it was still a Chevy van. Sure, the overall system was trick and the guy met every goal he had, but does it really constitute a “bug-out” vehicle? For a term that has military origins and was meant to convey a 24 to 72 hour reliance period, the Chevrolet seemed to be missing something, but we couldn’t quite put our finger on what, exactly, until forum member Tubbed Pacecar sent us a Craigslist listing for what we mistook as a Ford at first.

bug out 2I can hear you now: “McT, that IS a Ford!” No, not quite. Look at the wheels you might notice a difference. This is a 1975 Ford F-700 crew cab body plopped onto the frame and running gear of a M35A2…better known as a Deuce and a Half…and built up as a flatbed. The multi fuel LDT 465 inline-6 is present, and is breathed on by a custom twin-turbo setup. A 24-to-12 volt converter system lets the Deuce’s 24 volt system play nice with the Ford’s electronics. And just in case that wasn’t enough of a reason to head up to the Northwest and bring this beast home, it’s got a goose neck hitch, perfect for sticking an RV trailer on when you decide that you’ve had enough of the world and want to head into the woods for a while. It isn’t cheap, but the work has been done for you and it is ready to go. Brian’s love of large trucks and Chad’s RV fascination could meet in the middle right here!

Craigslist Link: 1975 Ford F-700 Crew Cab

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4 thoughts on “Craigslist Find: It’s One Part Ford, One Part Deuce And A Half, And Completely Awesome!

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    I watched an old Top Gear with their resident midget playing with the Mercedes Benz G-something 6×6 hideously over-priced oil shiek’s plaything in the Arab Emirates or some sand-jockey patch near there.

    However this is the real deal and you would not need an oilfield in order to buy it that is if the oil coming out of it is actually worth more than ten cents a barrel!


    Perfection. I would consider a custom built camper for the back, maybe something that could be removed in a pinch. Kinda like a slide in for a pickup…

  3. BeaverMartin

    I dig it, but as someone who has driven a deuce and a half it would be hell on the highway. Maybe the turbos help a bit, that engine could use at least twice as much boost as it rolls in Army trim, but they will run on about anything.

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