
the car junkie daily magazine.


Detroit Autorama : The Photo Landslide Won’t Stop! More Cars, More History, More Stuff You’ll Love

Detroit Autorama : The Photo Landslide Won’t Stop! More Cars, More History, More Stuff You’ll Love

(Photos by Mike Brooks) – So when will our thus far unending photo coverage of the 2015 Detroit Autorama end? We have no idea! There are people still sending us photos and we have not even finished going all the way through the stuff that the guys we knew were going sent us. We’re back with more great Mike Brooks photos today and in the same form as the last several galleries we have run from his camera, you’ll follow the same path around the show that he did. We decided not to break these photo collections up into specific stuff but rather to give you the experience that these guys had traipsing through the aisles and enjoying themselves.

You know the story, you know about the show. What you don’t know is how awesome this group of photos is! Hit the link below to check them out.

detroit autorama 2015 cars 036

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