
the car junkie daily magazine.


Ridetech Announces Design Contest Winner and It is a Looker!

Ridetech Announces Design Contest Winner and It is a Looker!

We’ve been keeping you up to date with Ridetech’s design contest and now it is time to unveil the winning scheme that the Ridetech guys will apply to the Factory Five ’33 Hot Rod they are building. Gary Drayton is the man behind the winning design and he will get to see it come to life pretty quick as the Ridetech team plans to debut the car at the Hot Rod and Restoration Show in March, which is less than a month away!

We dig the use of the repeating Ridetech logos and how they are pretty subtly laid into the whole design. The vibrant red roof, hood, cowl, and trunk, looks nice when contrasted with the bright white o the side panels. The finishing touch of shaping the brake lights as Ridetech logos was neat as well. We think that the more than 1,000 people who voted on this contest picked the right one! We’re looking forward to seeing the car in the flesh to really slobber over it!

 Here’s the run down from Ridetech –

The votes have been tallied and it turned out to be a close competition. There were over a 1,000 votes in total for this years design contest! Even though all of the 60 designs were ridiculously good this year, only one person could win the $500 dollar cash prize. That honor goes to the design that had the most votes, that design was #5 by Gary Drayton. Congratulations!

The winning design by Gary Drayton:

Isometric view of the design:

We really enjoyed Gary’s design. The repetition of the icon, the colors, and simplicity were all top notch. We hope to incorporate many of these features on the vinyl wrap we’re developing for the Hot Rod & Restoration show in March.

Like we mentioned the votes were really close, in second place was design #10 by David Watson. This design took a lot of work, the entire car was redrawn over the original template. A very clean design.

2nd Place

In third place was Bill Denham’s design #4, a very eye grabbing composition.

3rd Place

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