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Tesla Customers Go Online To Complain About The Lack Of Warning When It Came To The D

Tesla Customers Go Online To Complain About The Lack Of Warning When It Came To The D

One of the greatest draws to the Tesla Model S is that the car represents the latest and greatest that can come from an auto manufacturer. But what happens when you spend north of $80K on a car and a week later, the upgraded model comes out? Wouldn’t you feel like you might have wasted your time and money? Apparently that’s what has happened, as a group of individuals have put up a petition on Change.org, an activism site, that demands that Tesla retrofit the features found on the newest editions of the Model S to their cars, including the AWD dual-motor system and the auto-pilot systems, while a competing petition is on the same site asking Tesla to ignore the first one. Tesla themselves have said that there is no cost-effective way to retrofit the modifications into the Model S vehicles made prior to the release of the D variations.

The issue lies in Tesla’s secrecy over the launch of the D modifications. There was only one week of warning between Elon Musk’s “reveal the D” tweet and the unveiling, so unlike what car manufacturers nowadays do (which is reveal information months or even years in advance) Tesla didn’t, and the consumers are now upset, as they feel they didn’t get fair warning on the arrival of the new model and some claim to be “pressured” into buying an existing Model S. As reported in the San Jose Mercury News, Richard Wolpert, the man who is behind the Change.org petition for Tesla to add the components to the car, was quoted as saying, “If Tesla had said it’s coming, but we can’t say exactly when, I would have waited. With ‘traditional’ car companies we know there are new models every year, and we factor that into our decision. With Tesla there was no talk or disclosure there would be effectively a ‘new’ Model S, so we bought blind.”

What do you think? Should Tesla be more forthcoming with it’s cars or is this an appropriate application of “buyer beware”?



(Courtesy: Autoblog)

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12 thoughts on “Tesla Customers Go Online To Complain About The Lack Of Warning When It Came To The D

  1. Andamo

    No different that the buttheads that line up at stores days before the introduction of a new friggin’ phone. Live with it or trade the bitch in every time a ”upgrade” is announced.

  2. mooseface

    Now I want Toyota to retrofit my 22R to a 2Tr-FE because I feel left out that I bought older technology. It’s clearly the manufacturer’s fault.

    What happened to selling the (still highly demanded) Model Ss that these whiners have and then buying the new version? That’s what happens when regular human beings buy cars.

  3. TheSilverBuick

    “while a competing petition is on the same site asking Tesla to ignore the first one. ”

    I want to know more about this one, lol.

  4. Beagle

    Soooo… they aren’t whining about not getting their car at all, just that the next version of the car they still won’t have is better?


    Did Tesla actually deliver a car? Sure, it’s gonna be out of date when you order and 3 years later, you’re asked for more money on your non-built car!!

  5. cyclone03

    wait you can do this?
    I want Ford to upgrade my 390 FE in my 68 Mustang to a new Coyote,nobody told me in 2007 the new 5.0 could be bought over the counter.

    While we’re at it how about upgrading my 2013 F150 to an aluminum body?
    or Current Corvette chassis’s for all the others that came before it….

    maybe next we can get refunds from collages for all the graduates that cant get $100,000 year jobs.
    Or free health care as promised….
    what about …… ?
    This can be a whole web site…..

  6. BeaverMartin

    Only someone rich and pompous enough to afford a Tesla could come up with such a whiny ass idea. I think Musk should give them their money back 100% and then prohibit them from ever purchasing a Tesla again, just on principle. It could back fire, or it could be like Ferrari where they give you permission to buy. Nothing rich people like more than to be able to buy something their rich neighbor can’t. Those poor disenfranchised former Tesla owners would probably sue for emotional damage from having to drive Prius’. “Your honor, normal people barely notice how much better I am than them in this Prius…”

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