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Abandoned Drag Strip History: Double H in Blue Ridge, Georgia, with Video

Abandoned Drag Strip History: Double H in Blue Ridge, Georgia, with Video

With today’s focus on nostalgia, it’s neat to see so many people starting to remember the drag strips of the past and digging out their historic photos and videos for all to see. It helps us all recall the times when the Beach Boys sang about racing cars, and nearly every county had a quarter mile. One of them was Double H Dragstrip, 5 miles West of Blue Ridge, Georgia, on Boardtown Road. The track only ran from Noveber of 1963 to 1966, but that was the era of the Super Stock, A/FX, and match racing wars, and many of the Southern boys brought their Hemis, 409s, and FEs to Double H.

The track itself was great for what it didn’t have. Namely, bleachers. From all the old photos and video it looks like the only spectator seating was on a dirt embankment immediately next to the right-hand drag lane. However, the track posters advertised “Grade A Concessions.”

Double H was part of the Southern World Series of Drag Racing, a three part, three-day series that also happened at Paradise Dragstrip in Calhoun, Georgia, and Brainerd Optimist Dragstrip in Chatanooga, Tennessee. That was planned barnstorming!

This great track is remembered at a great web site with lots of information, photos, scans of posters, and old newspaper clippings. Click here to see it all at DoubleHDragstrip.com. Make sure to click on all the menu items, because they are not labeled well but they all contain things very much worth seeing.

There are also four good old videos seen below, some reportedly shot by track founder Bill Hembree. The first five are old films with many great 1960s Stocks and Super Stocks, and the last one shows what Double H Dragstrip looks like today, now that it is an airport runway.














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