Tim McAmis Is Back With New Videos! This One Talks All About Wheelbase, The Good, The Bad, The Misunderstood

Tim McAmis Is Back With New Videos! This One Talks All About Wheelbase, The Good, The Bad, The Misunderstood

When Tim McAmis talks, people listen. This dude is smart, funny, and a riot to watch on video as he’s always throwing out some comment or one liner that will make some people squirm and most of us just laugh and applaud. In his latest video he’s talking wheelbase. It always amazes me the number of people that don’t even know how to measure wheelbase, track width, etc. It also amazes me that so many folks building cars have no idea which is better for their particular motorsport, more or less wheelbase. In this video Tim McAmis will fill you in on everything you need to know about wheelbase in a drag racing door car application and why you should care about how yours stacks up in your particular car.

Besides class rules there are other factors that will determine what wheelbase you should have in a car you are building. Engine combo, driver experience, and class will be the major determining factors. Check out the video and see what Tim has to say about wheelbase.

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