The Mongrel Build Part 48: The Final Final Rust Repair Is Done. This Little Ride Is Getting Close To Tire Smoke And Fun!

The Mongrel Build Part 48: The Final Final Rust Repair Is Done. This Little Ride Is Getting Close To Tire Smoke And Fun!

If you haven’t been following the Mongrel build, you have been missing out. I mean who would have thought that a Ford 100E and a Miata could end up together in such perfect harmony. It’s like the Ebony and Ivory of the project car world. Hmmm, I better coin that. At any rate, whether it is a good mashup or not is in the eye of the beholder. But one thing everyone should be able to agree on is that someone who dreams this combo up is probably just a bit outside the box which makes him an absolute fit around here. Today’s video is all about the final final rust repair on the body.

After replacing plenty of floor over the course of the project, along with areas in the fenders, quarter panels, rockers and more you would think that all the rust had been taken care of in this one. Unfortunately there was also rust that showed up around the truck opening. This rust was only found after the body was sent off for blasting. It isn’t so horrible that it can’t be repaired, but it certainly isn’t the quickest work ever. Of course you wouldn’t know it, because Urch makes it look so simple and easy. We love that about this project.



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