This Film From The 2015 Croatia Trophy Is For The Mudding Connoisseur

This Film From The 2015 Croatia Trophy Is For The Mudding Connoisseur

Trophy-style off-roading events rule. Take off-roaders in capable machines and test every possible breaking point in an adventurous trip. Put the kinds of obstacles in the way that will make a weekend warrior back away slowly, shaking their head, fearing for their toy and let them loose. Any off-road trip that mandates winches and roll cages for every vehicle has to be good, and the footage from Croatia Trophy 2015 proves that yes, indeed it is. The base camp is in the village of Staro Selo Topusko, and from there the teams go out to conquer whatever gets thrown at them…which, more often than not, it seems, is a ton of mud that varies from dirty water to “dammit, I liked those boots!” over the course of the trail. A wide variety of vehicles are participating, since all that was needed was a valid registration from whatever country they came from and international insurance. Check this out, and if it interests you, stay tuned to BustedKnuckleVideo’s YouTube page as they continue to update with more videos!

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