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  • Taxes

    Politcal I know, but it is my life.
    I am now re- assed with a $200 more a month payment. For what?
    I just checked my mail, and I can't wait to tell Sandy.
    I'd sell this place in a second if someone offered me what the county thinks it's worth.
    How is this place increasing in value?
    Originally posted by TC
    also boost will make the cam act smaller

  • #2
    I'll calm down and go to bed soon....but i am pretty upset now.
    Originally posted by TC
    also boost will make the cam act smaller


    • #3
      Appeal. Have facts/figures. People tend to believe that they are correct in whatever they can get away with and that includes the tax man, so they try.


      • #4
        Still pissed...guess I need to work a little harder. I'm going to bite my tounge for a bit......or just go to bed and wake up tomorrow. This bill will still be sitting on my tdesk.
        Originally posted by TC
        also boost will make the cam act smaller


        • #5
          Originally posted by Loren View Post
          Appeal. Have facts/figures. People tend to believe that they are correct in whatever they can get away with and that includes the tax man, so they try.
          Oh, I plan on that....Im looking up the town council agenda as we type,they haven't heard the last of me yet!
          Originally posted by TC
          also boost will make the cam act smaller


          • #6
            A few months ago I got a fire hydrant fee, and then a tax on the was $5.00, and they placed a tax on that.
            I'm sick of this crap...I'm going to run for city council and I'm not bull shitting. there are tons of people that feel the same way I do, and if nothing else I'll raise some good points.
            The cops here are crazy revenue generating machines, and I get pulled over daily...No shit.
            Last edited by A/Fuel; September 19, 2011, 08:07 PM.
            Originally posted by TC
            also boost will make the cam act smaller


            • #7
              Yeah I'd appeal.

              Check real estate comps in your area.
              That's $2,400 a year.......yep that's a bunch.

              "The object is to keep your balls on the table and knock everybody else's off..."


              • #8
                This guy ran for the Govs job in NY under the, "Rent is too damn high party" -- you can do it too!

                That which you manifest is before you.


                • #9
                  A/F - I see a lot of politics up close, and the people that do political stuff (and most times feel dirty afterwards).... and one thing that I've yet to see, someone who goes in to change the system that actually does. The system is awesome at swallowing sweet, tasty dreams. Of course, I'm pretty optimistic in my assessment, so perhaps you'll only come out jaded and disgusted.

                  However.... appealing is the right thing to do. Then appeal everything they do... that way you do the jading rather than becoming the jaded one.
                  Last edited by SuperBuickGuy; September 19, 2011, 08:22 PM.
                  Doing it all wrong since 1966


                  • #10
                    Yeah.... I don't want anything out of this, I just want to change some things in my town, and I was sitting here thinking about it. I was probably pulled over 10 times just coming home at 4am. I might be under-estaming it by a few.
                    I always get the question, where are you going?
                    Just yesterday, Sandy and the family and I were driving down the road, I was doing 25mph and a cop was following me for a few miles. He lit me up and I told Sandy I was going to get pulled over. He said our car came back as silver when in fact it was purple.
                    I told him I just painted it.....
                    I've been talking to my friend from Demotte and he agrees.
                    The problem is,they are our a football coach, cops and everything else.
                    They are big people in this town!
                    Originally posted by TC
                    also boost will make the cam act smaller


                    • #11
                      Is this state, county or city property taxes? If it's a county or city that's unfairly raising taxes, check with the state laws regarding that subject. In Oklahoma, property taxes cannot be raised over a certain amount, I believe 5%, in a year. This is a state law so cities and counties have to abide by it. If there isn't a law to cover it, appeal immediately. You may even want to get a couple appraisals and hire a property attorney. It could save you thousands.


                      • #12
                        I just had an appraisal, it was $300, I can't keep getting theses just to appease these people!
                        We just refainenced our house to lower the payment, and these people raise it by $200!- Try selling this place for what they think it's worth!
                        Plus it cost me $50 a month to have 2 kids get lunch at school...
                        Originally posted by TC
                        also boost will make the cam act smaller


                        • #13
                          If you've recently had an appraisal, use that. I would say 300.00 is a lot better than 2400.00 a year.

                          50 bucks a month for lunch, for two kids? That's good! It was costing me 3.50 a day per kid. If they eat breakfast at school, it was another 1.75.


                          • #14
                            I guess I just have to work a little harder,
                            I'll pay what they want, but I'm showing up at the next meeting.
                            Every 2nd and 4th Monday at 7:00 in the Town Hall.
                            I'll keep you guys up to date
                            Originally posted by TC
                            also boost will make the cam act smaller


                            • #15
                              I'm goning to sit back on the first day and see whats going on.
                              September 26th, I'll report back...
                              I've got races to go to, kids to raise and dinners to make LOL!
                              We are going to do this though,
                              Originally posted by TC
                              also boost will make the cam act smaller

