Here's the place for the stuff you leer at and drool over but can't afford/fit/sell your better half on.
I'll start. I have been torturing myself looking at this crazy clean old Mack for days. The guy wants big money for it, but the truck looks to be totally minto.
For a 53 year old working truck, this is a pretty amazing piece.
(Yeah, I know that I'm weird, but you have to admit that this thing is more interesting than a first gen Camaro! )
I'll start. I have been torturing myself looking at this crazy clean old Mack for days. The guy wants big money for it, but the truck looks to be totally minto.
For a 53 year old working truck, this is a pretty amazing piece.
(Yeah, I know that I'm weird, but you have to admit that this thing is more interesting than a first gen Camaro! )