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Something to drive the VW crowd nutz.....
They are not drop spindles......they are lift spindles. Think of making a drop spindle, only in reverse. Very popular in the VW world, as those suspensions lend themselves easily to both lifting and dropping.
Doesn't drive me crazy in the least - its so easy to reverse between the two. Here are two I've been responsible for causing....
Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.
a friend of mine in AZ has a side gig out of the back of his house building baja vws
Charles W - BS Photographer at large
i like it too. it would have to be really nice for 5K though. That ghia is cool looking. My dad had 3 different busses when i was little. He bought the first one in about '63 i think...old VW's have a big following. even here in rustbeltville, there are always a few around it seems. there are 2 Ghia's and a kammback i see around town all the time. cool cars.Mike in Southwest Ohio