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Customer service..... Is it DEAD?

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  • Beagle
    Originally posted by jcharliem View Post
    Yup. It's all a conspiracy!

    C'mon. Employees are paid what they're worth. It's called "market value."
    they're having problems replacing people, they can't attract talent. The latest effort to backfill is to pay a senior in college CS classes for his last year in school, pay his tuition, and then not make them pull any kind of load at work for 18 months. As a stockholder, I'm a little pissed.

    I know if we could be replaced wholesale, we would have been done in by Haji ten years ago. Those guys can't handle a hot customer YET... I was pretty well paid but then again, I fixed things "they" couldn't. I got all but yelled at for fixing something in 15 minutes that was a 21 day old problem for Haji - they wanted to know "how did you know what to fix... why didn't the previous guy fix it?" ... Experience bitches, hard to replace. I can't teach it and really? I'm F*ING MAGIC and that's why you pay me.

    The customer sat numbers get jockied around to whatever upper mgmt. wants, no mystery there. Corporate america at it's best... I had a guy call a customer a bloody bastard IN EMAIL , and by the time it got spun by management, it was the customer's fault.

    soooo... I'm not bitching about what I got paid. I'm bitching about bad behaviors.
    Last edited by Beagle; May 23, 2013, 04:27 AM.

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  • SpiderGearsMan
    oil field job is no joke

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  • Nik
    You guys are complaining and you're in a market where you have some unemployment, out here we are running 1.7% and anybody who can breathe is in demand. I don't even go out to eat anymore because it's not worth the aggravation, the people they have are dumb, both the customer service people and their bosses, so rather than risk having a stroke, I just make do or go without. There was an ad the other day for oilfield help, they needed people who could pass a drug test. 12 days on and 4 off. The pay? Starting out was over 100k a year.......

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  • jcharliem
    Originally posted by Beagle View Post
    ...Follow the money. Large corporations don't give a shit about survey numbers. It's a matter of experience and most of us with any experience want more money than what they will pay...
    Yup. It's all a conspiracy!

    C'mon. Employees are paid what they're worth. It's called "market value."

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  • Beagle
    Originally posted by SpiderGearsMan View Post
    if CSI takes a dive ...we are in deep trouble
    I found out yesterday that the my old company let two extremely smart people go. One of them is one of the world's best PKI / Certificate guys. WORLD - shit you not. They let him go. He didn't turn in enough labor hours. It's kind of a sick joke, we billed at 295.00 / hr and while for example I had 5 weeks of vacation a year, I was still expected to turn in 80%. That means if I took a week off every quarter, I still had to bill somebody 32 hours during that week.

    Follow the money. Large corporations don't give a shit about survey numbers, it's just something they use to beat YOU on the head and not give you more money. If they really cared, they wouldn't constantly look for the absolute cheapest sources of labor they could find. I actually heard "It's not about who's smartest" in a meeting with my ex-boss. I said "REALLY? Cuz that's who you look for when you need it fixed."

    Try telling your customer that it's not about who's smartest and see if the CEO of that org doesn't start lighting up the phones in your CEO's office... but everyone knows it's a sham. We've had account managers tell their customers "You didn't buy an expensive enough contract to get the really good engineers"... Meanwhile, the company is busy firing the old experienced SMART guys -and this is another quote - "To make room for the new guys"

    Parts stores don't pay all that well. I had an interesting discussion with an old guy last week - he says "put some of this on your bulb" and hands me a tube of spark plug grease. I hand it back " I have a big tube of dielectric grease at home" .. his eyes got a little big for a second because somebody knew what it was. I don't think the kid next to him at a register knew what it was. It's a matter of experience and most of us with any experience want more money than what they will pay.
    Last edited by Beagle; May 22, 2013, 02:52 AM.

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  • Scott Liggett
    Originally posted by SuperBuickGuy View Post
    I speak 2 1/2 languages - and it never ceases to amaze me that, no matter what language, the native speaker always speaks louder when they think they're not understood.... a couple days ago I watched my Mexican friend yell at an Indian (from India) in Spanish because she didn't understand him. I almost fell over I was laughing so hard at him - told him that if she didn't understand his english, it was pretty likely she'd understand even less of his spanish.... heck, I barely understand his spanish
    My friend Malkeet is Hindu Fijian. He works part time at an Autozone in Sacramento. While I was visiting a hispanic dude comes in and starts asking for parts in spanish. Mal starts speaking back at him in Hindu. Dude just blinked and said " Que?" I had to hide behind the oil display I was laughing so hard.

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  • SuperBuickGuy
    I speak 2 1/2 languages - and it never ceases to amaze me that, no matter what language, the native speaker always speaks louder when they think they're not understood.... a couple days ago I watched my Mexican friend yell at an Indian (from India) in Spanish because she didn't understand him. I almost fell over I was laughing so hard at him - told him that if she didn't understand his english, it was pretty likely she'd understand even less of his spanish.... heck, I barely understand his spanish

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  • Deaf Bob
    Originally posted by SuperBuickGuy View Post
    Okay Bob, I just have to ask - so when it is obvious that the kid is in over his head, do you ask him if he's deaf?
    Nope, ask him if he woke up yet today...
    Lisping fool! Hard to lipread, refused to write.. Kept cupping his hands over his mouth and YELLING... Can't read lips when yelling nor cupping!
    Damn, Aaron, some of us deafies do have briains . We just look hollow..
    Last edited by Deaf Bob; May 21, 2013, 09:34 PM.

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  • SuperBuickGuy
    Originally posted by Deaf Bob View Post
    PART 2:
    returned the mufflers.. Asked for somebody else to help me.. Manager said the dufus had to "fix his screw up"
    Dufus said that Thrush does not make center inlet, side outlet...
    I whipped out my iPhone with Summit's page up and the mufflers I needed complete with part number..
    Fiddled around 10 min on puter.. Said cant get it..
    Went to get me change.. I say wait.. I got $20.02.. 2 mufflers were 79.98.. He had a $100 bill.. Said that will not work..
    79.98, 99,80, plus 20 is 100... Um. No that can't be right!
    Summit will have them here after the rain stops!
    Woulda been DONE last night before the rain at midnite!

    I have dealt with a different guy before and everything was fast and CORRECT...
    The NAPA store is $80 per muffler!

    Okay Bob, I just have to ask - so when it is obvious that the kid is in over his head, do you ask him if he's deaf?

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  • Bob Holmes
    Originally posted by Scott Liggett View Post
    Going to chain stores like O'reillys and Pep Boys is a total waste of time and I drive by both to go to the ones who know what they are doing. If you dont like agrievation then maybe some you should stop this masochistic behavior and drive a little farther.
    Where I'm at, the good ones are all gone, bought out or driven out of business.

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  • jcharliem
    [QUOTE=Deaf Bob;769564]...My son says I need to "pay more attention"...[QUOTE]

    Duh. From the mouths of babes.

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  • antmnte
    I gotta agree with Scott. Its also why salaries dont equal the cost of living. Same story when buying a TV or stuff for the house. If they all had just one guy who kinda knew hi shit it would be much better. I gotta say our local Home Depot has gotten much better with this lately.

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  • Deaf Bob
    PART 2:
    returned the mufflers.. Asked for somebody else to help me.. Manager said the dufus had to "fix his screw up"
    Dufus said that Thrush does not make center inlet, side outlet...
    I whipped out my iPhone with Summit's page up and the mufflers I needed complete with part number..
    Fiddled around 10 min on puter.. Said cant get it..
    Went to get me change.. I say wait.. I got $20.02.. 2 mufflers were 79.98.. He had a $100 bill.. Said that will not work..
    79.98, 99,80, plus 20 is 100... Um. No that can't be right!
    Summit will have them here after the rain stops!
    Woulda been DONE last night before the rain at midnite!

    I have dealt with a different guy before and everything was fast and CORRECT...
    The NAPA store is $80 per muffler!

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  • pdub
    I think it's hit and miss, a cross section of society these days.

    I think of the checkout lady at the grocery store complaining loudly that she wished she had a "real" job (which of course she shouldn't do in front of customers) and then she gives me a dollar back because I handed her one too many.

    Or what level of service do we expect?

    And just yesterday, shopping for a new computer at Staples. They've got three towers (desktops) on display. They've got shelf tag descriptions, but no prices. I'm standing there. Looking at the computers, looking around for somebody to ask. I finally notice the guy at the tech service counter just staring at me standing there so I start over there.

    A lady beat me to him. She had a service ticket, and he went to work processing it. So I went back to the computers and stood there some more, looking around. And ended up me staring across at the service counter guy, and him staring at me.

    So I went to the cash register and said, "I need some help over here with the desktops."

    Little girl did the PA announcement - help needed in Aisle 6.

    Here comes the service guy, same guy. I said let's talk about these three desktops here. He said, "We don't have any of them. In fact those three are all display dummies. We don't carry those any more."

    I went to WalMart 500 yards away and bought a computer off of the shelf.
    Last edited by pdub; May 21, 2013, 05:12 PM.

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  • SpiderGearsMan
    if CSI takes a dive ...we are in deep trouble

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