I always see guys get all gushy whenever vintage Ansen Sprint five slots are mentioned, but the good old US Indy doesn't seem to feel the love.
I was going through my wheel pile for the tits setup for my 1974 Dodge D100 stepside muscle truck project and had a nice pair of 15x10 US Indys that I had polished already, and for the front I had a bunch of 5x8.5 US Indys to go with, but they are just a little too wide. The tire sticks out past the fender lline.
I decided the right wheel and tire for the front would be a 15x7 with a 255/60. I had four slots in this size in stock, a pair of Ansen Sprints, and a pair of US Indys. The Indys have slicks mounted and I'd rather not dismount those, so I'm going to use the Ansens.
I looked at them really closely and they were the exact same offset, and the face side looks identical. I actually like the construction of the Indys better.
Why are the Indys the Red Headed Stepchild of slots?
I was going through my wheel pile for the tits setup for my 1974 Dodge D100 stepside muscle truck project and had a nice pair of 15x10 US Indys that I had polished already, and for the front I had a bunch of 5x8.5 US Indys to go with, but they are just a little too wide. The tire sticks out past the fender lline.
I decided the right wheel and tire for the front would be a 15x7 with a 255/60. I had four slots in this size in stock, a pair of Ansen Sprints, and a pair of US Indys. The Indys have slicks mounted and I'd rather not dismount those, so I'm going to use the Ansens.
I looked at them really closely and they were the exact same offset, and the face side looks identical. I actually like the construction of the Indys better.
Why are the Indys the Red Headed Stepchild of slots?