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The "Whatever" Project

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  • Originally posted by Russell View Post
    That's where I messed up the fiddling!
    Got some pictures of the saw. 1st up, the switch.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCN1977.jpg
Views:	87
Size:	200.5 KB
ID:	1358636 I had to put the pivot screw in the 2nd to last hole to get it to work smoothly with the Harbor Freight saw. And I learned that you have to move the latch before engaging the saw trigger lever. However it seems to work just fine.

    2nd picture is the 3 bolts that give adjustment to the blade to get a straight cut top to bottom. Just loosen enough to be able to tap the bracket up or down on one end. I used a small square to check it when up and then down adjusting to get the blade to touch without moving the square.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCN1978.jpg
Views:	87
Size:	238.3 KB
ID:	1358637

    3rd picture is the saw attachment system. It's adjustable to get the blade also square to the cut.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCN1979.jpg
Views:	80
Size:	204.8 KB
ID:	1358638
    It takes a little bit of fussing with all of the adjustment points, but well worth the effort. And the best thing is no sparks and debris from the abrasive cut off saw messing up the garage.


    • Or you can take the abrasive saw outside when in use. That's my cheat. Some day I'll get my stationary band saw working......


      • Originally posted by DanStokes View Post
        Or you can take the abrasive saw outside when in use. That's my cheat. Some day I'll get my stationary band saw working......
        The only problem with that is the iron grit on the driveway. It gets in the nooks and crannies and then rusts! My old driveway was always rusty.


        • Originally posted by View Post

          The only problem with that is the iron grit on the driveway. It gets in the nooks and crannies and then rusts! My old driveway was always rusty.
          There IS that. But I don't fret about a rusty driveway.


          • Originally posted by DanStokes View Post

            There IS that. But I don't fret about a rusty driveway.
            Well, there are rusty knucles and busted knees...


            • 4 bars, and not the type that sell libations. I've been just tinkering with little stuff that needs to be changed to get the V8-60 tube axle into the Whatever project. I've procured batwings and spring perches to attach a special cross spring to it, and the 4 bars. And I have 3 of the 4 bars fabricated. The 4th one is waiting for my energy to return. Drilling the tubing for the correct tap drill size is no problem, that's a job for the lathe. Tapping is! Start the tap square in the lathe, then run thru by hand the rest of the way... that's the Armstrong method.

              The rear 4 bars are already made, and the existing axle brackets will be used as is. Both ends need frame bracketry, that is an easy fabrication job. The only decision to make is how much vertical adjustment I should build in. And that's just a series of holes spaced the same as on the axles brackets. This will be parallel 4 bars, so if the lower bars need to be raised or lowered, there has to be matching holes for the upper bars.

              One good thing about going back to a cross spring is it will eliminate the panhard bar up front. That makes room for the Armstrong lever shocks from an MGB that Dan sent me. The front is going to look more traditional when finished. And one other stylistic change I intend to make is changing from the sprint car nose to a deuce radiator shell. As I have a deuce radiator in the Whatever project, this will further make it look more traditional.

              And all the while I'm also cleaning up the garage and getting lumber to make a ramp up to the mud room door to make it easier for Maggie and me to get in the house. No steps is good for her, and I won't complain. The knees will appreciate it...

              And I still have to talk to the engine shop to see what progress has been made on the 327, and get some ideas for the future of the 283. The only part non-negotiable is the 3 deuce setup. And a roller cam. And a little more compression. And better heads. And forged pistons. And new rods. And...

              Oh crap, I'm doing it again!


              • Yes. Yes you are. And send Lon your old front axle for his no-buck T-bucket.


                • So, I've finished the ramp in the garage, I've cleaned up a lot of the jetsam and flotsam that collected there as well. Still more to go, but I can actually walk around the Whatever project and not kill myself doing it. Found my engine stand today, it was in the shed buried under other stuff. Go figure! So as the next couple of days progress, I'm going to finish modifications on the right side header so its angle matches the left side. Then the 283 comes out and onto the stand. It's greasy and grimy, and needs a scrubbing. Then on to the frame. I think I can do a bunch of the finish welding over the winter an hour or so at a time. Got a plan to keep moving forward...


                  • Can’t remember if I told about a couple of parts procurements this fall. Got a set of Ford 15x6 steel wheels, 5x5 bolt pattern. Don’t know what they came off of, don’t care. They fit the Buick drums and hubs procured last summer just fine. They’ll look good with the v8-60 tube axle and the F1 spindles. Very nostalgic.

                    Picked up a set of Chevy power pack heads, 1962 I think, haven’t had a chance to decipher the date code yet. Jack, the engine shop I go to, will think I’m going crazy, but if they check out crack free, I’m going to have him install guide liners, and 1.84 (I think that’s the size) 305 HO valves. These heads will give at least 9.5:1 compression with flat top pistons. I see a bit of time with a Dumore grinder in my future, cleaning up some ports. And you know that mystery part I posted somewhere a while back, that is a Venturi that I know the pressure drop required to get choked flow. It might become part of a flow bench of my own design, with a brace of precision pressure gauges in the basement. I can’t help it, scavenging stuff is so relaxing! The only component not in the stores is a blower or vacuum pump. But I bet the neighbor has something…

                    I think I mentioned the 3 deuce setup, 4+ Rochester 2G carburetors and an Edelbrock intake. And the Powerglide. Tomorrow I will be investing in a Delco tach drive distributor for the 283. I have a 10 k mechanical tach, now I’ll get to use it!

                    So progress of sorts. Haven’t been able to finish the garage rearrangement yet, back acted up again. I’m barely able to assist Maggie, at least I don’t have to drive to and from the nursing home anymore…


                    • Since the last update, I’ve had another hospital day. I wasn’t able to do much of anything, or even take a deep breath, without almost ending up on the floor. Maggie called 911 and insisted that I go. 14 hours and some goooood drugs later I got back home.

                      That tach drive distributor is wending its way from the Pacific Northwest to me, should be here later this week. Little steps, hopefully I can make some progress soon


                      • Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery !!

                        Last time I needed Knock Out Drugs at the Hospital was from a Motorcycle Crash.......
                        I asked the discharge nurse if I could
                        Get Some of Those in a "To Go Bag" ?


                        • I got prescriptions for some gooooooood stuff. Reminded me of Cheech & Chong: hey man, open up
                          Who is it?
                          Its me, Dave.Open up
                          Dave’s not here right now….

                          and now you all have that stuck in your heads, and will be looking it up on YouTube. You’re welcome

