No it is due to me swapping a Mopar diff in there. I figured if i was going to have to weld shock mounts on, I'd just go ahead and mount them vertical instead of the stock --> one in front of the axle and one behind. Purely an optional thing.
Hang in there man, the spring thaw is just around the corner!
AOD's can work well. I have a friend with a single turbo 331" Mustang running an AOD. It runs 9's with no tranny problemos.
Last night I snuck out to the shop and bent up rear brake lines and tied the 2 shock mounts together. I noticed that the shock mounts were actually flexing the top of the frame rail and could cause an eventual fatigue problem, so I tied the two together last night. Not my best welding, as I was kind of in an awkward position, but functional.
the C4 I bought for mine turned out to be an AOD on delivery - and I can't get a hold of the guy with the explorer 8.8, and the truck is full of snow out back anyway!
glad to see somebody still has motivation and energy to work on stuff - the winter blues have been extra bad this year - I don't seem to have enough energy to do much of anything.
Milner's still around - that's good to know - it's was a short lived highschool autoshop nickname that I resurrected when the internet required usernames for everything. I love that movie!
mmmmmm I love the smell of plasma in the morning. Shocks needed a little more room and I needed to expose the rear frame rail for the future downbars.
This is why I love having a Ranger. I can chop holes in it at will and have zero remorse. ;D
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Guest replied
Re: Big Motor, Little truck. The BBR
just seeing your nick, Milner351, reminds me. We saw Paul LeMat (John Milner, American Graffitti) at Sac AutoRama this last weekend. He was there with Henry Winkler (da Fonz) and Cindy Williams, signing autographs and stuff. They had the little yellow short there as well, parked behind them.
headers look awesome. home grown is bitchin' plus they look they'll work. Just get some wrap on those brake lines or maybe make a cool heat sheild for the whole master.
Thanks! Yes I do think a heat shield is in order. The lines have some more room since the pic was taken, but I think the m/c will still get hot. Maybe I'll make one when my knuckles heal. ;D
headers look awesome. home grown is bitchin' plus they look they'll work. Just get some wrap on those brake lines or maybe make a cool heat sheild for the whole master.
Besides, I am kinda sick of seeing prostars and draglites on EVERYTHING at the track. Hopefully these will lend a little bit of stealth to the truck.... when it's not running. ;D
I did have some American Racing wheels that were for a Probe on my first V8 swap Ranger waaay back in 1994.
This is my battery enclosure I made from a govt surplus modular filing cabinet section and drawer. PLASMA CUTTERS RULE. Needed something to make the battery in the bed a little more secure. ;D
Lid on.
Lid off.
What's real funny is that the pickup is a govt surplus item as well. LOL
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