So, I've got a '72 C10 with a damaged block, and can't really seem to justify expensive block repairs on a stock 350. So I've been daydreaming about engine swaps, and happen to know where there's a Duramax diesel available from sometime around 2007-2008. Just the engine, sitting on a pallet. No transmission or anything.
There's a lot of things I'd have to research to do such a swap, but one total unknown is what to use for a transmission. The truck is currently an automatic and it may be most practical to keep it that way. What sort of automatic would hold up behind this and not be too expensive or bulky?
There's a lot of things I'd have to research to do such a swap, but one total unknown is what to use for a transmission. The truck is currently an automatic and it may be most practical to keep it that way. What sort of automatic would hold up behind this and not be too expensive or bulky?