Sitting in my backyard, making sure that my lawn doesn’t suddenly blow away in the breeze, is the 1980 Cadillac limo that has a date with destiny during the winter months at NCM Motorsports Park. It’s been a nice, serviceable car that for it’s entrance cost, has proven to be a shockingly wise purchase. It’s served dutifully as a truck and as a backup vehicle when the need arose, but it’s time soon to put the big black barge out to pasture and I for one cannot wait for that moment to come. Lucky for me, winters around western Kentucky are relatively mild and most snows can be driven in your average everyday car without snow tires on. Having lived in a region of Arizona that would occasionally get massive amounts of snow in short order and on the Front Range area of Colorado, I understand that not every snowdrift can be bashed by three tons of American land yacht, strangled big-block power or not. Some places will eat every wheeled vehicle that dares attempt motion. And for that, I have found you a combination of opulence, vulgarity and surprising utility in one go.
And lord, did I mean “vulgar”. The running gear is a typical snowcat chassis, in this case from a Bombardier SV250, and the body is 1989 Cadillac stretch limousine. It’s the kind of monstrosity you might think a more-money-than-brains type would have as a winter beater at his Aspen lodge. Forget snowshoeing or skiing, we’ll just hop in the big gold Caddy and drive over. That’ll be a hoot! The truth told, as Jalopnik found out, is that the machine came to be as a movie-car build that the owner purchased back after filming was completed. A small-block Chevy and TH350 automatic drive a low-range transfer case, which spins a one-ton axle that drives the track system.
Six thousand dollars and a trip into British Columbia will be needed to make this gold brick your own, and if any of you weirdos actually do pick this thing up, please do us a solid favor: record the reactions of the Customs officials when you roll up to cross the border back into the United States. That’ll be the most amazing thing…
and it has sidepipes… take my money dammit!!!!!
Who wants a Cadillac on a Snowcat chassis? – some wiseguys with a shitload of bodies to bury up in the mountains?