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Happy Father’s Day From All Of Us At BangShift.com!

Happy Father’s Day From All Of Us At BangShift.com!

He handed me my first car while I was still crawling around in the shag carpeting in a house in Colorado Springs, a little silver Corvette that I still own to this day. He worked his ass off from the moment I became a reality in his world and he didn’t quit until his body could no longer keep up. He instilled many values in me that I hold dear…the ability to speak volumes without one word, the ability to remain calm and collected when the world was burning down around him, and the ability to resist the urge to choke the living shit out of someone who was rubbing that last nerve raw. (I’m especially thankful for that one, as I’m sure I came close to earning a full-on Homer Simpson throttling a time or ten.) He assisted me through my frustrations, stood by my side when I was facing down my own fears, and was always in my corner even when I couldn’t see that for myself.

Father’s Day is more than a chance to break out the grilling equipment, an opportunity to force the kid to mow the lawn or, if you’re really sadistic, the perfect moment to hand him a tie you knew damn well he’d never wear. It’s when you look at the man who did everything in his power to raise you up right and respectable, the man who would bury his boot in your ass if you needed it or would sit and listen while you poured your heart out. Truth be told, it took a village to raise this idiot, but in that picture is my father, Robert, who has been gone for a while now. One of the many things I wonder throughout the years is what he would make of this whole BangShift deal…he passed on shortly after my first tour of Iraq. He knew I was a gearhead, he knew cars were a priority, but he would’ve never seen this coming. I could just imagine what he’d do with the livestream chat.

Today, remember your dad. Call him. Go see him. Treat the old man to a beer…after bringing you up, he could probably use one. Actually talk with him. Listen to the wisdom, share the stories you both will laugh at. Lots of people remember the good times as kids, but if your pops is still up and kicking, return the favor and show him some love today. On behalf of Brian and Chad, happy Father’s Day to all of you out there.

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2 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day From All Of Us At BangShift.com!

  1. steve pearce

    Ha ha ha ! At the tender age of five I burned my hand on touching the flathead motor in My Dad’s antiquated Ford Pilot and made up my own swearwords in my head because in those days in the UK swearing in front of your parents would land you in a world of pain!

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