
the car junkie daily magazine.


Please Help Us Welcome Borgeson, Your Complete Steering Box Solutions Company, To The BANGshift Family!

Please Help Us Welcome Borgeson, Your Complete Steering Box Solutions Company, To The BANGshift Family!

Brian, Bryan, and I are proud to announce that Borgeson is the latest addition to the BangShift family of sponsors, and want you to help us welcome them! It’s hard to name a domestic muscle car or truck that they don’t offer killer steering boxes for, and unlike some rebuilt unit you get from the parts store this sucker will include every update, fix, and improvement the factory failed to handle when it designed them. That means that virtually every BANGshifter out there who’s into domestic hot rods and trucks has something that a Borgeson box fits on. And if you have one they don’t somehow have an offering for, let them know it. These guys have introduced lots of new products over the years that are directly because of customer input. And did we mention these are made in the USA products? Yeah, it matters.

We are glad to welcome them to the BANGshift family of sponsors and hope you will too. We’re looking forward to working with them on tech stories, installs, and general information that can help you guys and gals improve upon the current steering performance of your ride.

Here are just some of the cool boxes they offer, so take a look and visit their site to see it all.


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2 thoughts on “Please Help Us Welcome Borgeson, Your Complete Steering Box Solutions Company, To The BANGshift Family!

  1. bill

    they use to be ct company, but bailed out saying ct was too expensive. since they moved to sc because of costs, their products should be way CHEAPER now that their costs are greatly reduced. I don’t think their prices dropped one penny.

    1. Dan Jenkins

      It’s called profit. They have a good product at a price point they find to be a good balance between manufacturing capacity and demand. They can make more PROFIT by moving to a tax friendly state without raising the sale price to the consumer. They owe you nothing. If they want to sell more parts, they now have the freedom to lower prices to increase volume, but will directly be taking that out of the profit margin per unit. That’s their decision. Dont like it? Go buy the other drop-in tiny power steering box on the market… oh, wait. There isn’t one. Go invest a few million of your own.

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