Have you ever seen the episode of The Simpsons, where Homer finds himself halfway across Springfield Gorge before falling like Wile E. Coyote, bouncing off of every possible rock ledge before hitting the bottom, just to have Bart’s skateboard drill him in the back of the head the moment he realizes the ordeal is over? That must be how Sparky, the driver of this Polaris RZR, must feel at the end of this clip. His RZR is snorting a little something that makes life a lot more interesting, and in front of him is the Blue Holler bounty hill. Simple math: Potent and evil vehicle, plus driver with questionably awesome judgement, plus almost insurmountable object, equals a show. It does not equal success every time, but a show is promised. We’re sure you know how this one ends up, but just when things finally end up going good by landing on all four wheels, that last blow is delivered when the damage assessment is completed. Better luck next time, Sparky.
Click play below and imagine every “D’oh!” as the Polaris tumbles…