
the car junkie daily magazine.


Nothing’s Free: Uncle Tony Takes On The Free Energy Internet – Fun Stuff Here

Nothing’s Free: Uncle Tony Takes On The Free Energy Internet – Fun Stuff Here

Maybe our opinion is wrong, but we think our pal Uncle Tony is at his best when he brings homespun testing and mechanical knowledge to bear for his audience. The fact that he is blowing up some weird myths and kind of insane theories that exist on the automotive internet is awesome. This is another of the videos where he talks about some of the kooky things that people claim work and will somehow defeat the known laws of physics that have governed the Earth since the dawn of time itself.

This episode of Uncle Tony’s Garage takes on the idea of “free energy” and some more of the wacky products that people are pushing to get incredible mileage and efficiency from engines. We dig the fact that he is not just straight up attacking things because he does not “believe them” he has an actual interest in the workings of these things and he applies his considerable personal experience to debunk and explain them.

We’d go on and on but Tony’s the guy to tell you these stories and walk you into the continuing depths of weirdo free energy and bizarro physics defying mechanical innovations.

Press play here to see Uncle Tony take on the internet’s free energy wizards –

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2 thoughts on “Nothing’s Free: Uncle Tony Takes On The Free Energy Internet – Fun Stuff Here

  1. brent hagist

    1. get a time machine. They are available via other you tube channels.
    2. go back in time when the carb had not been modified.
    3. test the carb. to establish a baseline.
    4. buy some stock in Apple
    5 return to present day.
    6. test the carb again.
    7. laugh and roll eyes
    8. cash in your stock.
    9. profit.

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