Let’s get a few things out of the way right off the bat. Yes, this car costs $179,586 per the window sticker provided by BMW. Yes, this car is designed to transport people with big bucks in comfort and Teutonic style wherever they may want to go. Yes, this car is not something that BMW will sell 100,000 of this year. Yes, I absolutely loved ever bleedin’ second of my experience in the BMW M760i. This is a two ton, twin-turbo, V12, AWD, monster that is so ridiculously over the top on every level that it is hard to describe. \u00a0From the rear “executive seating” option that provides desk and footrest, to the fact that you can control virtually every facet of the car by talking and waving your fingers in the air (literally), it is comfort, technology, and performance wrapped in a huge package that is nothing like I have ever experienced before.<\/p>\n
But back to the power for a moment.<\/p>\n
I gave a three count, let go of the brake pedal and the yelping commenced.<\/p>\n