{"id":811221,"date":"2019-12-29T01:12:36","date_gmt":"2019-12-29T09:12:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/bangshift.com\/?p=811221"},"modified":"2019-12-28T21:18:16","modified_gmt":"2019-12-29T05:18:16","slug":"junkyard-tour-race-cars-hot-rods-trucks-and-more-cool-stuff-from-flemings-pumpkin-run","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bangshift.com\/bangshift-galleries\/junkyard-tour-race-cars-hot-rods-trucks-and-more-cool-stuff-from-flemings-pumpkin-run\/","title":{"rendered":"Junkyard Tour, Race Cars, Hot Rods, Trucks, And More Cool Stuff From Fleming’s Pumpkin Run"},"content":{"rendered":"

(Photos by Joe Grippo) If you missed our previous photos from Fleming\u2019s show, then click the link below to see them too. This is a great photo gallery of awesome stuff that we really can\u2019t wait to see in person. Grippo is always at this show and rants about how bitchin it is and we can\u2019t wait to go one year. The Fleming\u2019s Pumpkin Run is always full of awesome rides, and it is fun to see what has come out for the year. Grippo has been hitting the show for years and he loves it because as long as he has been going, new and cool stuff has been showing up. There\u2019s literally something interesting and different to see each and every year. Hopefully we have had a tiny part in that over the last half a decade that we have been running coverage from the event. The show may be the most BangShifty one out there, period. There\u2019s a lawn tractor pull going on at the thing, the junkyard is open to be explored, there are race cars, ramp trucks, muscle cars, Indy cars, heavy duty trucks, and even steam vehicles. Hell, we could have a years worth of blog items just profiling each of the cars and trucks that roll through the gate, right? Fleming\u2019s Pumpkin Run 2019 touches every one of the hot buttons we want to see at an event. Great setting, lots to do, and lots to see.<\/p>\n

We\u2019re always so excited to see what is hiding in the junkyard and this year is no different. Check out these photos, we guarantee you\u2019ll dig them and want to start spending money!<\/p>\n

All that being said, Joe\u2019s photos are great and the setting of the cars and trucks against the blazing colors of Fall is about as good as it gets. Click any photo below and see our freshest photos large and in charge, from this very BangShifty gathering in New Jersey.<\/p>\n



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