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Car Show Rules Video

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  • Car Show Rules Video

    Hmmmmm…Let me warn you that this video is…well…interesting. Aside from the apparent lack of white balance, you will be treated to a gentleman who could absolutely be the guy on the infomercial selling you the latest and greatest kitchen gadget or health aid. He’s not that guy, but you will see where I am coming [...]


  • #2
    I guess as much of a tool as this guy might make himself look like, I think he's right. In a confined area with lots of people, you need to be tough and have a hard set of rules. Especially in a nonrural area with noncar people watching your every move ready to complain.
    Not to mention the difficulty of setting something up. Its a LOT of work. I'd be pissed to if a couple of yahoos that don't know how to behave ruined it.

    That being said, for most "static" shows why bother to build "a car"? The same effect could be accomplished by building a scale model that LOOKS like a car. Then there'd be no motor to rev, but lots of pretty paint to NOT TOUCH. Make it collapsible, then you can break it down and shove it in the minivan when the show is over. No burnouts to worry about, no exhaust fumes to smell, no electrical system for a radio. It would be his perfect show. that I think about it.... Comps Thumpr cams are ideal for cars at his show! That's the only thing this guy didn't complain about, a lumpy idle. So a stock 350 with a mutha thumpr cam would be perfect for those that only attend static shows! Cheap, yet effective.
    Last edited by andy30thz; February 3, 2012, 07:19 AM.

