Unit and I were ganged up around the pool table just now, leaning on it, having a conversation about stuff.
Ken The Cat went into Target Guidance mode in the living room, came by like a Spot Rocket and leaped high onto the mini blinds. After a bug. A lightning bug. I saved it, it's outside.
I haven't seen a lightning bug in many years.
There used to be so many in the South when I was a kid, we'd catch jars full of them just to use as a lantern. I figured we'd driven them to extinction, just catching them and putting them in jars. Seriously, we (all of us kids back then) got millions of them for fun. You don't see them as much now. I think we hurt the population for sure.
Ken The Cat went into Target Guidance mode in the living room, came by like a Spot Rocket and leaped high onto the mini blinds. After a bug. A lightning bug. I saved it, it's outside.
I haven't seen a lightning bug in many years.
There used to be so many in the South when I was a kid, we'd catch jars full of them just to use as a lantern. I figured we'd driven them to extinction, just catching them and putting them in jars. Seriously, we (all of us kids back then) got millions of them for fun. You don't see them as much now. I think we hurt the population for sure.