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2014 Street Machine Muscle Car Nationals

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  • 2014 Street Machine Muscle Car Nationals

    Loren and I are planning on going to this in March at Pomona with his very bad ass Challenger! Anybody else?
    We had planned on the Tierra Del Sol off-road fest in early March but I am thinking it might not be a good idea to go bouncing around in the desert right after neck surgery....
    That awkward moment when you realize it IS your circus and those ARE your monkeys!

  • #2
    Do they allow Eurotrash in the show?
    Attached Files
    Bruce K Bridges


    • #3
      Well I certainly do!
      That awkward moment when you realize it IS your circus and those ARE your monkeys!


      • #4
        Wish I could,that Jensen is really cool!


        • #5
          WE ACTUALLY MADE IT TO THIS! We have not been to a car show in quite some time! We did about 6 weeks of work to be able to get to this! All work that needed to be done but as life often does things get in the way... Our first project was the trailer, we last used it to move Loren's shop with extremely HEAVY machinery but the distance was not too far so it was OK.I scraped the pinstriping off and de-rusted it. Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05155_zps8b00bb96.jpg
Views:	108
Size:	201.6 KB
ID:	921182 ​ We painted it and Loren added the stepplate and made this side over the wheels so you can let it down after driving the car up there...

          Of course it needed new wood! Stained and oiled! (nobody said smile!)

          Then the car had to come out of storage... Finally after weeks of work and a million trips to various parts stores it got loaded up to go We had a great time! Here are pix from the show...

          Our friend Clay had is car on this and must have watched the video 60 times!
          Last edited by LORENSWIFE; March 24, 2014, 12:25 PM.
          That awkward moment when you realize it IS your circus and those ARE your monkeys!


          • #6
            did he have to cut the centers of those wheels to get them to fit the hubs?

            thanks for the pics!!


            • #7
              Yep, had to make a temporary turntable out of a disc brake and torch 'em out round. So, you know about that sort of thing...

              Gail could be sitting in her big comfy house watching TV but is out there in the shop helping strip rust. Cool or what?

              This event was really some great fun. I'm not sure if a few dozen still pictures taken early Saturday when no spectators were there quite captured the spirit of the event...try this video instead. We are the very last scene at 4 minutes.


              • #8
                Waaaayyyy cool. I'm really glad to see you both out and about enjoying our fabulous hobby, and each other. Kudos to you both!
                Ed, Mary, & 'Earl'
                HRPT LongHaulers, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

                Inside every old person is a young person wondering, "what the hell happened?"

                The man at the top of the mountain didn't fall there. -Vince Lombardi

