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Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use. '67 Chevy truck cab frame swap

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  • #16
    Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

    Loaded up the 1 ton rolling chassis, hitched up the trailer, and conned my wife into hauling it to the scrapyard. (She's a trusting soul... )

    Got $157.14, that makes cost on the rest $42.86. I love including her on missions that prove how little my hobby/obsession actually cost.


    Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.


    • #17
      Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

      nice work - I guess the gent interested from here wasn't interested enough to make the transfer?

      That price gives me some hope that when I finally get around to scrapping all the scrap I have around - it will gain me more than just beer money.
      There's always something new to learn.


      • #18
        Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

        I've hauled in 3700# so far since early April, its been worth it.

        The space gained is worth it too! Can't believe some of the crap I've been keeping..... :o

        No, interest was nill in any of the 1-ton parts. That's most of the reason I was able to get this truck, no one was interested in it as a dually.

        Hopefully that changes once its a 1/2 ton with truck arms and 5 lugs.

        Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.


        • #19
          Finished! Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

          Had another free day this sunday (this is turning into a sunday truck!)

          Reversed the entire process from last time. Had to trim the carrier bearing crossmember as it wanted to occupy some of the same space as the truck arm crossmember, its all good now. Only need to slightly shorten the rear portion of the driveshaft and we're rolling under power.

          My 7 year old son painted the bumper. Did a nice job too. I'll have to encourage this ability.... 8)

          I only had to drill 5 holes for this project. Everything else was done with hand tools and a torch. Added a total of 12 new bolts/washers/nuts.

          And viola, instant 1/2 ton.

          Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.


          • #20
            Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.


            great test of the hood latch strength too - lift the cab with it (partially)

            Are the rockers gone on that cab or is it just the pictures? man - I need some of your energy! I love the head room in your barn too.... what a great place -- too bad insulating and heating it are near impossible.
            There's always something new to learn.


            • #21
              Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

              Rockers are totally gone, cab corners and front fender drops are more chicken wire & cracked mud than anything else.

              But its a small window '67, running unmolested with a clean title! I couldn't leave it to die in the crusher :'(

              I looked at like this - I couldn't hurt it, only improve? Plus I have this thing for patina.....

              I actually hooked to the core support, though there is a fair amount of force on the hood too. Most of the weight is on the big strap going through the cab, the smaller straps aren't holding nearly the weight.

              Its been a fun quick project.

              Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.


              • #22
                Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

                if you have steel, a welder, a cut off wheel, a hammer and some time - and your skill and motivation - there's no way you can do anything but make it better. Especially if you're not worried about it being razor straight and painting it gloss black with 50,000 coats of clear --- it will be a great learning proces - and be a damned useful tool to have around, not to mention super cool, and inexpensive to operate, maintain, insure.
                There's always something new to learn.


                • #23
                  Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

                  farm/field truck goodness...all it needs is some lettering on the door for some sort of farm, orchard or tractor repair and a headache rack...
                  If you can leave two black stripes from the exit of one corner to the braking zone of the next, you have enough horsepower. - Mark Donohue


                  • #24
                    Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

                    I have a headache rack that I'd let go for a song.... just come get it!
                    There's always something new to learn.


                    • #25
                      Re: Junk - Castoff material of any sort that can be put to some use.

                      Umm.... you obviously haven't heard me sing..... :-[ :-X

                      Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.

