Figured a picture was worth a 1000 words in this case.
So, had the GTS out, and noticed a growling noise. Intermittent. Went away on me, but noticed a leak, thought bad wheel cylinder.
I sprayed the hell out of the drum, replaced wheel cylinder a few weeks back, and noticed said noise again.
Notice fluid. Gear oil.
Pulled the axle yesterday, and the wheel bearing, the original Ford piece from nearly 40 years ago, had split in two.
Bought Timken wheel bearing.
Took to machine shop.
The shop removed and pressed the new bearing on for me.
Shop commented, axle was scared up some. New bearing pressed on, but did not take much force.
Lock ring went on good, and firmly in place.
Am I running a potential accident if I drive my GTS with the axle in this condition.
Can't seem to get a solid answer.
Was planning a road trip and going to take the GTS while the weather is nice and clean right now on Thursday, but this whole deal has left me a bit skittish about taking the GTS now on a 7 hour drive.