Here is a little rust repair I had to do. 88 mustang former Nebraska Highway Patrol( it still has the spot light). I had just bought the car. Dig the wheel well covers? I removed the rear antenna to discover some rust and flimsy metal. I am not a professional just to cheap to pay someone else.
Here is what started it all. I didn't think the antenna looked to cool. So lets take it off. That's when I found the rust.
I ground it down to find some good metal. Then decided I should snap a few pics.
Here's how much I had to cut out so I didn't blow holes in it with the welder.
I started tacking in a piece I cut from scrap. I think it is 16 ga. After the repetion of tacking/cooling several times, it looked like this.
Some grinding of the welds and, mud/primer work. Here is the end result ready for paint.
Here is what started it all. I didn't think the antenna looked to cool. So lets take it off. That's when I found the rust.
I ground it down to find some good metal. Then decided I should snap a few pics.
Here's how much I had to cut out so I didn't blow holes in it with the welder.
I started tacking in a piece I cut from scrap. I think it is 16 ga. After the repetion of tacking/cooling several times, it looked like this.
Some grinding of the welds and, mud/primer work. Here is the end result ready for paint.