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Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

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  • Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

    Heres the link if anyone is interested....took the train when the tour started in Fla last time...good times...(Bar Car) saves 800 miles of driving and wake up nice and refreshed...(cept for the damn hangover)...Come on Dave and Penny you know you want to.

    Never kick a fresh Turd on a hot day.....Harry S Truman

  • #2
    Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

    Just fabulous !!
    Looks like that ends in Bruce's backyard ... party anyone ??


    • #3
      Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

      Fred, that is cheating. Put in the 1100-1500 miles like the rest of us.
      Then again, do they allow people to ah, ride in the back seat, of their vehicle? Nothing like a car cover over the GTS, and a big ah, back seat... ;D :o ;D
      1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport and other FoCoMo problem children

      2020...Bad business decisions make for interesting stories.
      2021...year of singing "99 problems but an asshole ain't one" GTS ate my motha' truckin' wallet but boy does she fookin' move now.
      2025... I'm just trying to live my life and have fun.


      • #4
        Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

        Now if they'd only do that from the west coast!


        • #5
          Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

          we are doing that dad is going to start booking rooms and the train today
          The youngest guy on the board
          76 vega
          86 fiero


          • #6
            Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

   game...throw Evan from the train.....anyone can play
            Never kick a fresh Turd on a hot day.....Harry S Truman


            • #7
              Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

              10 points for every foot you throw him, 5 bonus points for every foot of heighth you get. ;D
              Bruce, Sanford, Fl

              welcome to my world


              • #8
                Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                doing the train again for the turkey run in the Big olds....
                Reading , Pa
                Good Guys rodders rep.
                "putting the seat down is women's work" Archie Bunker.
                Ban low performance drivers not high performance cars .


                • #9
                  Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                  That's a good idea, I can drive there from Chicago, then hop the train south. Save me some driving, probably gas.
                  Ryan's Cars in Barns Blog


                  • #10
                    Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                    I might just drive up to Va. to get in on this.


                    • #11
                      Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                      Originally posted by Pumpkin v2
                      I might just drive up to Va. to get in on this.
                      come a couple day early so we can chill by the know the door is open for ya
                      Never kick a fresh Turd on a hot day.....Harry S Truman


                      • #12
                        Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                        Originally posted by fine59
                        good times...(Bar Car) saves 800 miles of driving and wake up nice and refreshed...(cept for the damn hangover).
                        Fred, you be stylin' dude !!!
                        Take a 3D sleeping car tour, click the link below and see how Fred is roughing it .....


                        • #13
                          Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                          sounds like the train would be a blast but i think it is more cost effective for me to drive!
                          Long Hauler 2009, 10, 11, 12, 15 3 of 7 in 2013 5 of 8 in 2014 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT


                          • #14
                            Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                            Hey Fred can us folks from Wisconsin show up a day or two early and chill by the pool also? Taking the train sounds like a new and fun adventure.
                            Dave & Miss Money Penny
                            Oshkosh, WI
                            Long Hauler --- 2008/09/10/11 and now waiting for ..................


                            • #15
                              Re: Auto Train...Virginia to Florida

                              Originally posted by fine59
                     game...throw Evelyn from the train.....anyone can play
                              Fixed ;).

