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Red Hot Racing's "FireCracker"

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  • Red Hot Racing's "FireCracker"

    So, here it is, folks... After a truly AWESOME first LSR season at
    Maxton(the people are bar none the best anywhere), we've begun
    the off-season scheming for my 1998 Camaro Z-28. At this point
    it's a whole lot of hodge-podge bench racing, but I think it's safe
    to say that this thing should haul the mail in 2009. When I say 'we',
    the usual suspects are myself, my brother Seth<fahrenschnell> and
    our good friend Steve<White Monster>. Here's where we're at thus
    far, what we have planned and of course, what YOU think. Enjoy.

    1998 Chevy Camaro
    LS1 w/ bolt-ons
    T56 w/ stage 2 internals(think Viper T56 minus the cryo stuff)
    Moser 9" rear w/ TrueTrac diff. and 3.25 gears
    Full cage, Kirkey seat, 5 point harness
    Dual 6.5# Firefox extinguishing systems
    Wolfe Racecraft chute mount, Stroud LSR chute

    --Best run at Maxton: 155.618mph--

    Here's where the scheming(i.e. empty bank accounts) come into
    play... The plan is pretty simple; iron GM block, low compression
    rods/pistons and a BIG forced induction system (most likely an
    intercooled turbo setup). The right go-fast parts should net
    900+rwhp and gobs of torque. Can you say "traction issues"? : - )

    Our overall for 2009 is FUN, FAST, and most importantly, SAFE
    racing... but of course, we wouldn't mind getting a green hat,
    either. Comments? Thoughts? Ideas? We'd love to hear 'em.

  • #2
    Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

    Traction Issues is an understatement.....Can't wait to get started though. We will be making sure to give credit to all who have helped so far and are helping with out plans for 2009.

    We are really stoked and looking forward to the new season. Hope to see you all out there.

    200 mph or bust.......


    • #3
      Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

      what kind of tires will you run?

      will there be a gear change along with all these power upgrades?

      Clutch upgrades?
      There's always something new to learn.


      • #4
        Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

        We are planning on a Drag Radial....28" or so....

        We already have a 3.25 gear in it specifically for LSR.....But it does get 34 mpg on the highway...Sweet.

        The Clutch will be changed when the motor gets swapped to a twin disc Textralia.....EXPENSIVE....but VERY good.

        200 mph or bust.......


        • #5
          Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

          What about tubing it and getting some big tires on it?
          Cognizant Dissident


          • #6
            Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

            It already can fit a 315 series tire under it stock....any bigger than that and it starts to be counterproductive in aero.....

            I still think it is going to light them up in 4th and 5th......Should be interesting.


            Wanna drive it Dave?
            200 mph or bust.......


            • #7
              Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

              Absolutley, I haven't driven that fast in a long time.
              Cognizant Dissident


              • #8
                Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                It can be arranged...

                200 mph or bust.......


                • #9
                  Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                  Originally posted by fahrenschnell
                  It can be arranged...
                  Absolutely, Dave. We'd love to have you and John
                  come down here and run with us next year.


                  • #10
                    Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                    I hope we can make that happen, that would be sweet.
                    I don't have a fire suit or proper helmet though - just a motorcycle helmet.
                    There's always something new to learn.


                    • #11
                      Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                      Wow that is a pretty new and nice car to gut for racing ! What are you doing to keep the tops from flying out ? Hope to get me and the T/A down there this coming year .Wasn't able to get there this year .


                      • #12
                        Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                        These crazy kids are fun to be around. It was fun seeing them all get their respective licenses and go from spectators with a stock car to racers - all the while volunteering with us. These are great young men - except for Steve, who is a great middle-aged guy (I'll pay for that!). Seth and Luke have the kind of brother bond that we all should strive for, and their sweeties ain't bad, either (hope Greta is feeling better).

                        John - I've never seem anyone kept off the track due to lack of a helmet. SOMEONE will come up with one from somewhere. I'd lend you mine but it's a small - all that's needed for my little bitty brain.

                        Dan (or Grandpa Dan, as I am known in other circles)


                        • #13
                          Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                          John- We have a suit and helmet you can use; as for
                          gutting a "pretty new car", that happens to be my forte.
                          What good is shiny, new and fast when you can have
                          shiny, caged and WAAYYYY faster? Just my $.02. I
                          bought it for a toy, so there's no mixed emotions with
                          exchanging all of the creature comforts for balls to the
                          wall race/safety parts. We're probably going to make
                          new t-tops with sheet metal and tie them together for
                          added security. Don't worry, I'll paint them flat black
                          to keep the exterior pretty : - )


                          • #14
                            Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                            Roll Cages are Pretty.....

                            200 mph or bust.......


                            • #15
                              Re: Red Hot Racing's &quot;FireCracker&quot;

                              Sounds like a hoot!

