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The Tale of a TERRIBLE Business Model

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  • The Tale of a TERRIBLE Business Model

    We've got satellite TV. Never mind which one. This is not a rant about a provider...but it is. It's the state of modern providers.

    So...for about the last three or four weeks, we're only getting about half the channels that we are paying for. Bear in mind, we've got 200 channels, nobody can watch that much TV even from a hospital bed. But the few channels that I like are suddenly not available. "Error on Sattelite In_1."

    We called them, "what's up?"

    The very nice lady on the phone, she made me crawl behind the TV, unhook this, unhook that, NOW....wait, and then hook it all back together in reverse. I've got the flashlight, grunting and yelling in pain, contorting and crawling around on the floor upside down, But I got it all done. So the lady on the phone says, "Now try it."

    Nothing. No difference. Can't get those channels. So she says, "We'll come out and do a service call and fix that for $50"

    NO. No, I'll not pay $50 for you to come fix your stuff that's not working right. No, that won't happen. Give us some time to think about it, we'll be back in touch."

    We thought about it. Cable. Unit called the sat provider and gave them our decision and all of a sudden they were willing to deal. They didn't want to lose over $100 a month. "We'll come and fix your problem for FREE." When we were for real going to quit, they changed their tune.

    Therin lies the problem that I have a REAL problem with. So, you have layered layers of treatment, depending on the severity of the problem? That is a terrible business model, a real insult to people who can think at all. No thanks, Satellite....we're going Cable. We don't watch that much TV anyhow.

    Charter member of the Turd Nuggets

  • #2
    Sounds like you should put Sue on it FULL FORCE. They will end up paying you $50 to LET THEM fix it.

    Seriously cable will be better service. My 98 year old Mom in Fla. talks about how often Brighthouse comes out when she pushes the wrong button on the remote. And she only has basic cable..... and internet. She loves FaceBook and E-Mail.
    Last edited by RockJustRock; May 19, 2015, 05:47 PM.
    My hobby is needing a hobby.


    • #3
      Originally posted by RockJustRock View Post
      Sounds like you should put Sue on it FULL FORCE. They will end up paying you $50 to LET THEM fix it.

      What a majorly screwed up bunch of crap to start with. Let's say, we're going to buy a pack of candy at the store. So we go the counter and then actually have to negotiate. A dollar?. That's too much. No wait, you might not pay that for it, so, maybe 75 cents? What a frickin pile of horse hockey. Times a hundred. Paying for a lack of service.
      Charter member of the Turd Nuggets


      • #4
        Or you could just kill them.
        Act your age, not your shoe size. - Prince


        • #5
          The model is in effect all over. Overdraw your checking, $35. $1000 overdraw, ten cent overdraw, same $35. BUT, if it is a tiny overdraft the bank is very quick to negotiate it down. Groceries. Used to be a nickel or dime off was a BIG sale. Look at the flyers now. The average sale price on a grocery item is half off. A person is insane to buy anything in a grocery store NOT on "Club Card Special". Of course we all know where massive mark-up started...... CARS. Pay full window on a car get your head examined. As long as I can remember and that's a LONG time, 60s at least.
          My hobby is needing a hobby.


          • #6
            Its our own fault.

            We keep demonstrating how badly we want/need/can't live without product X, so they just keep pushing the limits to see just how much money we are willing to part with.

            Dumbing down of America turns out to be extremely profitable, who knew?

            We are like addicts to our dealers, gimme-gimme-gimme.

            That and money just magically materializes on our entitlement program plastic cards every month. Spend wisely? Seriously, why bother? More will appear in a few days.....

            Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.


            • #7
              Originally posted by peewee View Post
              We've got satellite TV. Never mind which one. This is not a rant about a provider...but it is. It's the state of modern providers.

              So...for about the last three or four weeks, we're only getting about half the channels that we are paying for. Bear in mind, we've got 200 channels, nobody can watch that much TV even from a hospital bed. But the few channels that I like are suddenly not available. "Error on Sattelite In_1."

              We called them, "what's up?"

              The very nice lady on the phone, she made me crawl behind the TV, unhook this, unhook that, NOW....wait, and then hook it all back together in reverse. I've got the flashlight, grunting and yelling in pain, contorting and crawling around on the floor upside down, But I got it all done. So the lady on the phone says, "Now try it."

              Nothing. No difference. Can't get those channels. So she says, "We'll come out and do a service call and fix that for $50"

              NO. No, I'll not pay $50 for you to come fix your stuff that's not working right. No, that won't happen. Give us some time to think about it, we'll be back in touch."

              We thought about it. Cable. Unit called the sat provider and gave them our decision and all of a sudden they were willing to deal. They didn't want to lose over $100 a month. "We'll come and fix your problem for FREE." When we were for real going to quit, they changed their tune.

              Therin lies the problem that I have a REAL problem with. So, you have layered layers of treatment, depending on the severity of the problem? That is a terrible business model, a real insult to people who can think at all. No thanks, Satellite....we're going Cable. We don't watch that much TV anyhow.

              I'm pretty sure all service visits are free here with Time Warner. I had my cable from under the house jury rigged over my front door for yrs from where the last owner had the TV on the other end of the room. The last service guy offered to go under the house at no charge and move it while he was here! I did have trouble with the lady on the phone like you did as she suggested over a dozen things, and after almost an hour the last and now most logical sounding thing fixed it. It sounded logical to me after she said it, but since it's HER JOB she should've led with that one.
              Last edited by groucho; May 20, 2015, 08:05 AM.


              • #8
                We need a graph or chart here. How much the average American spends on TV services. Of course it will start very near 0 because cable used to be something only in remote areas with poor reception. Then came HBO. Shocking thing is THAT hasn't gone up that drastically per channel. HBO was $6 when it bowed. The price of "basic" packages and the quality and number of the pay packages is where it went downhill. Funny thing is Cable TV has become the barometer of our society. Even music is too sophisticated for the modern palette. Just reality, dumb reality at that. To reel this in our hobby developed since the 50s gets reduced to what it was started out to reduce. Someone very smart said it a long time before even TV I think. "Media is the Opiate of the Masses".
                My hobby is needing a hobby.


                • #9
                  My gripe is that the way the "packages" are structured you get what they offer and can't opt out (and not pay for) stuff you care nothing about. Great example for us - there are about 20 sports channels on our cable, none of which we want. There are probably 15 channels that we care about but we're paying for probably 50. With computer technology it shouldn't be all that tough to let folks pick from a menu and charge accordingly - kind of a "make your own package" deal. I'll wager that there are channels that pretty much no one watches and those could go away.

                  But 'tain't that way now.........



                  • #10
                    I'll be dumping my satelite tv in August when my contract is up. I cannot wait. I am so sick of pissing away 100 bucks a month on somthing that's like going to eat at a known bad know the service and the food suck but they have food and you need food so you go anyway...well...I dont need the food anymore...I'll get one of those digital converter dealbobbers and call it a day.
                    If you can leave two black stripes from the exit of one corner to the braking zone of the next, you have enough horsepower. - Mark Donohue


                    • #11
                      Get an antenna like Tardis posted... I am gonna try that.. I already use a regular antenna.. Not great..but it works.. Get FOX for news and ION, and my favorite, PBS! Wouldn't mind HISTORY channel..


                      • #12
                        Bob, I used our old antennae for a while....granted it was missing a couple of rods, but was otherwise one of the better ones in its day. It did work if there is nothing to compare it to.

                        Then I replaced it with a DB8 from Antennaes Direct, was right at $100 shipped. The channels easily doubled in number and reception improved. As in not dropping out as often, there is no snow or static with digital broadcasting, lol.


                        We are just about exactly 70 miles from any major transmitter, so we went with the bigbadboy antennae. You may not need as much? Distance and terrain as always.
                        Last edited by STINEY; May 20, 2015, 01:15 PM.
                        Of all the paths you take in life - make sure a few of them are dirt.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by studemax View Post
                          Or you could just kill them.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	yelbird 002.JPG
Views:	39
Size:	788.6 KB
ID:	1033358

                          this little bird has been staring at me for 30 minutes.
                          Last edited by Barry Donovan; May 20, 2015, 01:29 PM.
                          Previously boxer3main
                          the death rate and fairy tales cannot kill the nature left behind.


                          • #14
                            And if you have a family reunion the BBQ is all ready to go!

                            We have a friend who uses some sort of indoor electronic antenna and she reports that it kicks booty.



                            • #15
                              About the same mileage for me to 2 different tv markets (Portland and Eugene) have some hills..
                              I can move the antenna a few degrees either way and pick up different channels.. It is set on what I like to watch..
                              I'll look into this one. Looks promising..

