Well - for years I've gotten good reliable service from my 7.5hp two stage 80 gallon IR compressor.
I'm quickly finding out that IR is so big, they can strong arm thier suppliers into making IR specific parts - NOTHING on this thing is standard!
The local compressor rebuilding shop is trying to help me - but they simply have nothing that fits. Everything has to be ordered specifically from IR.
If I had a lathe and a chunk of Brass, I'd MAKE the freaking part to make the compressor work.
The new check valve came in (finally, and it's an IR part) 3 of 4 of it's ports are the same as the old one - the inlet coming in from the pump is a 3/4" female flare..... the old one is 5/8" female flare.... so - I have a piece of 5/8" copper line with double flares at both ends (think huge fuel or brake line)- one to the pump - one to the check valve.
So - it's either get a bushing - with 5/8" flare female to 3/4" male flare
--- apparently this little jewel does not exist!
Grainger doesn't have one.
The compressor rebuilding shop doesn't have one.
The other option is to change over the whole line starting at the 1/2" NPT outlet of the pump, ending at the 3/4" flare at the new check valve. The compressor shop would be happy to make me that line - but - they don't have anything with a 3/4" male flare end to fit the IR check valve.
freaking argh!
I'm quickly finding out that IR is so big, they can strong arm thier suppliers into making IR specific parts - NOTHING on this thing is standard!
The local compressor rebuilding shop is trying to help me - but they simply have nothing that fits. Everything has to be ordered specifically from IR.
If I had a lathe and a chunk of Brass, I'd MAKE the freaking part to make the compressor work.
The new check valve came in (finally, and it's an IR part) 3 of 4 of it's ports are the same as the old one - the inlet coming in from the pump is a 3/4" female flare..... the old one is 5/8" female flare.... so - I have a piece of 5/8" copper line with double flares at both ends (think huge fuel or brake line)- one to the pump - one to the check valve.
So - it's either get a bushing - with 5/8" flare female to 3/4" male flare
--- apparently this little jewel does not exist!
Grainger doesn't have one.
The compressor rebuilding shop doesn't have one.
The other option is to change over the whole line starting at the 1/2" NPT outlet of the pump, ending at the 3/4" flare at the new check valve. The compressor shop would be happy to make me that line - but - they don't have anything with a 3/4" male flare end to fit the IR check valve.
freaking argh!