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Watch This Dog GO!

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  • Watch This Dog GO!

    Dog shows are pretty classy events. I don't know how they stand in the leagues of fox hunts and cricket and polo matches, though.

    But at least it seems that you can "race" dogs on an obstacle course, much like cars.

    So here's a great clip from a dog show. Stay with it, it's a bit of a long routine, but you've gotta love how this pooch nails the landing at the end of it.

    As always, I apologize for the link, can't embed a video from my own site:

    Charter member of the Turd Nuggets

  • #2
    Well... when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!
    Act your age, not your shoe size. - Prince


    • #3
      You need to see the movie "Best in Show"

      I'm so glad my wife works her dog rather then shows her dog.
      Doing it all wrong since 1966


      • #4
        I just got that today, I'm sure it's old. But I had to love the big orange square that pops up on the screen, "DISQUALIFIED." And the dog handling lady holding both hands on her head in disbelief....

        It must be all the same game, you save up and work and haul your hotrod to the Salt Flats and then....Oh NO. In an instant. An unexpected instant, it's all over.

        Am I even more especially nuts than usual for trying to draw a comparison, here?
        Charter member of the Turd Nuggets


        • #5
          Am I even more especially nuts than usual for trying to draw a comparison, here?
          Act your age, not your shoe size. - Prince


          • #6
            I feel that dogs pain, all that running then boomb, it hits ya...

            I love these events as well as the frisbee dogs....I wish I was more motivated to train my golden to do cool shit like that...
            If you can leave two black stripes from the exit of one corner to the braking zone of the next, you have enough horsepower. - Mark Donohue

