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What the hell is wrong with people: thoughts on bullying

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  • What the hell is wrong with people: thoughts on bullying

    I'm getting kinda irritated with all of the bullying that's in the news all the time. Every time you turn around there's something about some kid being bullied and either A) committing suicide, B) sitting at home crying, C) refusing to go to school, or D) some other excuse. Now, is it just me, or did we not all get bullied at one point or another and yet we're functioning adults because we knew our own self worth and didn't let it affect us? This is the same generation that gets trophies for participating instead of actually excelling at anything and has mama or daddy do their homework for fear of failing and not getting into a good college, or, I know people like this, letting them do their homework IN college.

    I'll go ahead and admit that I was bullied in school. But instead of getting my panties in a wad when someone called me fat I'd have some smart ass comment or threaten to sit on them I knew what they thought of me didn't matter. There were people that got it worse than I did and yeah, school sucked for them, but they didn't go home crying to parents to change schools or think that life wasn't worth living anymore.

    At what point did society change to make these people value themselves so little? Where did all the thick-skinned people go, and what is it saying about their parents? It all just makes me sad and slightly scared for our future.

    *steps off soapbox and goes back to work*
    Who needs sugar and spice and everything nice? I'm a Southern girl - give me cars, guns and whiskey on ice. ~Mrs. Remy-Z

  • #2
    It's pathetic IMO. I was bullied, I am here alive and doing well. Part of the issue is that there is no way to fight back now. When I was a kid, I got bullied by older kids because the whole neighborhood was older kids. Everyone of them 2 to 4 years older than me. I stood up to them, I would fight them, I would get my ass kicked and come back for more. Eventually they started to respect my tenacity and/or got tired of beating me up. I got picked on all the time, ALL. THE. TIME.

    My kids know that I will not punish them for punching someone in the mouth, they know to stand up for themselves and they know they are loved at home. If no one likes them they can come home to an environment where they know they are safe and they know they belong. Maybe these kids dont have that at home, and they get shit on at school and feel hopeless...I dont know.

    My though the *uck up, put on your big boy/girl pants and do what you need to do. Deal with it you Nancy's
    If you can leave two black stripes from the exit of one corner to the braking zone of the next, you have enough horsepower. - Mark Donohue


    • #3
      bullying... one of the worst offenders in high school, is now a long-haul truck driver who's never been married. Does my heart good to hear of how the world is completely against him
      Last edited by SuperBuickGuy; October 3, 2012, 10:12 AM.
      Doing it all wrong since 1966


      • #4
        Originally posted by SuperBuickGuy View Post
        bullying... one of the worst offenders in high school, is now a long-haul truck driver who's never been married. Does my heart good to hear of how the world is completely against him
        All the kids that used to bully me have not really done much. One was kicked out of the Navy, most are drug abusers who have done time in prison. There is one that is a teacher and another that is now a good friend of mine because I am able to look past what was and look at what is.

        I know that most who bully are themselves bullied or have shitty home lifes and low self esteem. They need to make others feel like crap so they can feel good about themselves. I knew that when I was a kid, I had a crappy home life too but it was better than these other kids...
        If you can leave two black stripes from the exit of one corner to the braking zone of the next, you have enough horsepower. - Mark Donohue


        • #5
          Originally posted by JOES66FURY View Post
          It's pathetic IMO. I was bullied, I am here alive and doing well. Part of the issue is that there is no way to fight back now. When I was a kid, I got bullied by older kids because the whole neighborhood was older kids. Everyone of them 2 to 4 years older than me. I stood up to them, I would fight them, I would get my ass kicked and come back for more. Eventually they started to respect my tenacity and/or got tired of beating me up. I got picked on all the time, ALL. THE. TIME.

          My kids know that I will not punish them for punching someone in the mouth, they know to stand up for themselves and they know they are loved at home. If no one likes them they can come home to an environment where they know they are safe and they know they belong. Maybe these kids dont have that at home, and they get shit on at school and feel hopeless...I dont know.

          My though the *uck up, put on your big boy/girl pants and do what you need to do. Deal with it you Nancy's
          I think you're right; there's no way to fight back, physically, without worrying about parents suing or the cops or school getting involved. I've even pondered how social media impacts all this since their new catchphrase is cyber bullying, but I think it goes back to being too thin-skinned.
          Who needs sugar and spice and everything nice? I'm a Southern girl - give me cars, guns and whiskey on ice. ~Mrs. Remy-Z


          • #6
            I've run into school bullies over the years & most of them are drunks, crackheads, in jail, dead or just giant arse holes in general. A handful of them have turned their lives around & are truly sorry for how they treated people. (this is rare)

            We live in different times now, no one's allowed to discipline their children like we were disciplined. No one respects anyone or anything, & no one gives a damn about anyone else but themselves. Society at large is becoming a giant shittt filled toilet that's ready to overflow onto your shoes...


            • #7
              Being a tall/big guy growing up I always had to deal with the guys with the little man's complex...... Which pretty much made me hate bullies, so whenever I came across another kid bullying another kid, I would interject and sometimes end up beating the living crap out of the bully...... Yap I bullied the bullies........

              I'm basically the guy in the red shirt that knocks the bully out........

              Last edited by TC; October 3, 2012, 10:56 AM.


              • #8
                Over protecting mommies not letting their mary boys grow a spine.

                Boys who bully others are likely being bullied themselves, sometimes at home. It's why I would want to pull them aside and find out what is going on in their life. I did that my senior year after a fight with a kid who was bullying a friend. We used to play soccer together and were once friends. Turns out his parents were in a nasty divorce and were using him and his little brother as weapons. He had a lot of anger over his life.

                Girls who bully do so because they feel threatened, or need to boost their own crappy self image. Its all about pecking order. If another girl may upset their set rules, they pounce. They may have something ugly happening in their life as well.

                We need to quiet the crazy moms who want their children in protective bubbles their whole life. They are setting up their kids for a lifetime of failure because they never were taught to stand up.for themselves. I already see this happening when young adults.try to.enter the work force. Rude awakening in the real world.
                BS'er formally known as Rebeldryver

                Resident Instigator



                • #9
                  I only had one episode as a little boy, family ended up leaving the state because of it turns out, the whole locale got worse.
                  nothing family about it. I still guess a toxic landfill. I never go after individual as if to be beating a bully, self defense yeah..bully is something else going on.

                  like being buried in sand as the tide comes in...

                  I was on my first bike, maybe 8 inch wheels, very tiny. I saw kids and thought they were playing catch. So I pedaled all 3 miles (about 1 hundred pre kindergarten feet) to catch up to them.

                  I got closer and heard swears, they were throwing rocks. these kids must have been old at 5-10. I no sooner caught on, my sight went red and I was on the ground (I got hit in the head with a rock). Unkown to me, there was a very large lady next door who witnessd it. Some kids got a whooping by a fat old lady. She had them so scared, next thing I know I am getting fed in a house of one of the kids. all apologies.

                  Not really bullied I guess, caught up in surroundings. My own life is a twist..never get bothered. the work history related to my size makes me somewhat an animal.
                  challenged once in high school. I had to jump up to hit a guy in the nose (I am 5 foot 9 if that tells you the stupid size of the bully). Whimpered soprano. I never want to see that again from six foot plus.

                  I did encounter one more time, in the military. won't talk about it again. I sure as heck was not wrong there either.
                  Last edited by Barry Donovan; October 3, 2012, 12:20 PM.
                  Previously boxer3main
                  the death rate and fairy tales cannot kill the nature left behind.


                  • #10
                    I guess I'm lucky, I grew up in a small town and don't really remember being bullied. I think we called initiation back then anyway....and it happened to everyone.
                    Originally posted by TC
                    also boost will make the cam act smaller


                    • #11
                      IMO .... it's when the media/society decided to put a name on it, namely the Columbine shooting. We called it "jacking with each other" when I was in school. We picked on each other, taunted each other and even got in fist fights, but today's victim always seemed to be tomorrow's suspect ..... I chalked it up to being my turn in the barrel.

                      I don't have PTSD, not a klepto, I don't torture small animals and I've actually won a few bracket races throughout my life, and get this, I was bullied, picked on and even beat up a few times .... but I also did a lot of that too.

                      People need to toughen up, it's a big bad world out there.
                      Whiskey for my men ... and beer for their horses!


                      • #12
                        On Today, this morning there was supposed to be a reporter interviewedfrom Portland OR's KGW station.
                        I caught the tag end of the come back she was being interviewed for..
                        Aparantly a viewer said she was a poor role model to young girls because she was hefty and on tv.
                        The newslady said something to the effect" Don't you think I know I am overweight, yes fat by your mean bullying email, yes I am obese by doctor's charts, but that does not give you the right to bully me nor teach your daughters to bully"
                        She got 50,000 emails in a half day and requests to use the segment in classes about bullying..
                        GOOD FOR HER!

                        Now on a personal note.. My name sign was "Bob fat" fingerspell Bob then fat by showing fat cheeks..
                        I was told I would never have a pretty girlfriend nor run fast..
                        Well.. I ran fast in my 20's.. Married a beautifly lady, still married to this day.. Nobody in that class or 2 years up and down lasted very long... I have nothing to do with my tormentors... They wonder why.. The friends I do have RESPECT me, that was earned..
                        Those I grew up with can go pound sand!
                        I just hope I am respected on here... If not.. Dang.. Your loss.. Life is too short to worry about this stuff..
                        If I see bullying.. I speak up..


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bamfster View Post
                          IMO .... it's when the media/society decided to put a name on it, namely the Columbine shooting. We called it "jacking with each other" when I was in school. We picked on each other, taunted each other and even got in fist fights, but today's victim always seemed to be tomorrow's suspect ..... I chalked it up to being my turn in the barrel.

                          I don't have PTSD, not a klepto, I don't torture small animals and I've actually won a few bracket races throughout my life, and get this, I was bullied, picked on and even beat up a few times .... but I also did a lot of that too.

                          People need to toughen up, it's a big bad world out there.
                          Signs of the times...
                          Helicoptering parents..
                          People (kids actually) do not know how to share, stand up for themselves, right a wrong, fall, without bawling like you broke a leg..
                          The answer is not a fist fight any more.. It's guns, running down with a car, poisoning..
                          Hell, I don't know what I'm talking about, My kids are well adjusted adults .. I think, I'm biassed.


                          • #14
                            I was bully one time in school the next time when he try to bully me I kicked his ass funny I never had a problem again.


                            • #15
                              we're doomed ..

