I'm messing around with planning how to get my 4T65E controller to run a 4L80E transmission. Going through the input listings on the transmissions, the 4T65E controller needs to see the gear range switch. The 4L80E shares this switch with the 4L60E mounted on the gear select lever. The pin labels line up, as do the wire colours, between the 4T65E and 4L80E switches but I wanted to see if anyone had any experience (or the logic tabels for) the 4L80E range switch since I can't find it online, just a pinout, to see if they have the same logic structure between them. Here's what I mean, the 4T65E switch logic looks like this:
Range/Pin(on the switch)
A/D: P, R, 2, 3
B/B: R, N, 4, 3
C/C: 1, 2, 3, 4
P/A: P, N, 1, 3
Grounded in each case.
Also if anyone has a used range switch and harness pig tail they'd be willing to sell I'd be tickled to get ahold of one, the local U-Pull-It yard doesn't have any and the other yards don't tend to want to sell things like that. Stupid wiring pigtail is like $76 new for one and $37 for the other!
I'm messing around with planning how to get my 4T65E controller to run a 4L80E transmission. Going through the input listings on the transmissions, the 4T65E controller needs to see the gear range switch. The 4L80E shares this switch with the 4L60E mounted on the gear select lever. The pin labels line up, as do the wire colours, between the 4T65E and 4L80E switches but I wanted to see if anyone had any experience (or the logic tabels for) the 4L80E range switch since I can't find it online, just a pinout, to see if they have the same logic structure between them. Here's what I mean, the 4T65E switch logic looks like this:
Range/Pin(on the switch)
A/D: P, R, 2, 3
B/B: R, N, 4, 3
C/C: 1, 2, 3, 4
P/A: P, N, 1, 3
Grounded in each case.
Also if anyone has a used range switch and harness pig tail they'd be willing to sell I'd be tickled to get ahold of one, the local U-Pull-It yard doesn't have any and the other yards don't tend to want to sell things like that. Stupid wiring pigtail is like $76 new for one and $37 for the other!