Selling advice to next years noobs might work, you gained a ton of it this year. Or helping people build bitchin' hot rods, you certainly have one as proof of your abilities.
Drag Week 2006 & 2012 - Winner Street Race Big Block Naturally Aspirated - R/U 2007 Broke DW '05 and Drag Weekend '15 Coincidence?
Well IF I can quit spending on the car NOW I should
have enough to make it...LOL..... I'll be there ... sure
would like to see it more to the EAST... fuel prices
could drop and it would help
Found out today, my DW 2013 may already be in the $hitter. Will know by middle of November.
how do you get f*d a year in advance? Did the rabbit die?
TSanchez, they'll pay anybody to dance down here. Since I don't go anywhere near those places WHERE GUYS DANCE - BRUAB - I don't have to worry about it. Dance all you want. Damn. lol.
Okay, so Tony, I'll let you in on my new marketing plan on the bottom floor. If you can't make money doing this, I got nuthin.
It was costume day at hooters, and the hooters girls are showing a little more than they want to cuz they can't keep their costumes in place. You remember that glue stick junk from third grade? (they made us use the yummy paste before then) Well, I think we can put a vinyl shrink wrap on it and call it... "Glooby"
Baring it all at inappropriate moments? Can't keep the boobs out of the food? Try Glooby! Glooby is the perfect costume accessory. Keep that costume in place. Don't show em for free, make them pay their fee, get Glooby!
2007 SBN/A Drag Week Winner & First only SBN/A Car in the 9's Till 2012 First to run in the .90s .80s and .70's in SBN/A 2012 SSBN/A Drag Week Winner First in the 9.60's/ 9.67 @ 139 1.42 60' 2013 SSBN/A Drag Week, Lets quit sand bagging, and let it rip!