I've been that guy, screw them, its your car do it like you want, just like them
Last edited by JeffMcKC; September 24, 2013, 06:57 PM.
2007 SBN/A Drag Week Winner & First only SBN/A Car in the 9's Till 2012 First to run in the .90s .80s and .70's in SBN/A 2012 SSBN/A Drag Week Winner First in the 9.60's/ 9.67 @ 139 1.42 60' 2013 SSBN/A Drag Week, Lets quit sand bagging, and let it rip!
no apologies necessary , you need to do what your car wants! Myself I had to much gear....damn thing was happier running upper 70s lower 80s , pulling the u-haul on slicks!
Reading , Pa
Good Guys rodders rep.
"putting the seat down is women's work" Archie Bunker.
Ban low performance drivers not high performance cars .
Maybe I needed to slow down, or drive during daylight hours.
Last edited by greenXpress; September 25, 2013, 07:12 AM.
Drag Week 2012 (wet paint and no transmission but finished) Drag Week 2013 Daily Driver finished in middle of pack (again) Drag Week 2014 #56 of 126 Daily Drivers. (getting closer to the 32)