73 F100 351C 4v. My Lady Fair and I took the truck to town. There is still a slight miss to find, more like a light shudder under load, actually. Shifting feels different, crisper and more on pattern than before. Vacuum improvement maybe? Power difference? Both? The power is way up, more where it should be, I should think. Have to run a bit to find what mileage is doing, but I'm betting on much better.
Anyway, parts stores. Checked on a vac advance unit at NAPA. "Sorry, that is at the warehouse. Seven to ten days and you'll have to pay about ten dollars for shipping." What's this crap? Just a few years ago that would have been, "That's at the warehouse. We'll have them toss it in with tomorrow's delivery."
Then for funny, I stopped at Oreilly. There's one ol' boy there that knows something besides little Nipponese cars and hot car stereos. Unfortunately, I didn't see him so I talked to one of the younger fellows. It was such a simple request. "I'll need one of those, two of these, three of the doohickeys and a dwell tach." The fellow got this absolutely bizarre look on his face, somewhere between "Whatchoo talkin' about" and "Am I gonna get in trouble 'cause this is something I should know?" Then he asked me what a "do-well tach" was. That's the way he pronounced it. I said, "Dwell-tach." He turned to the next guy and said, "Do you know what a "do-well tach" is?" That guy just turned to the next one, the one that appeared to be in charge, and asked him. He said he had no idea what I was talking about. That's when the old guy from the back came out, said "No, we don't have a dwell-tach anywhere in this kiddy-car store, ya troublemaker," and we were off to the races. Love talking to that guy.
Anyway, parts stores. Checked on a vac advance unit at NAPA. "Sorry, that is at the warehouse. Seven to ten days and you'll have to pay about ten dollars for shipping." What's this crap? Just a few years ago that would have been, "That's at the warehouse. We'll have them toss it in with tomorrow's delivery."
Then for funny, I stopped at Oreilly. There's one ol' boy there that knows something besides little Nipponese cars and hot car stereos. Unfortunately, I didn't see him so I talked to one of the younger fellows. It was such a simple request. "I'll need one of those, two of these, three of the doohickeys and a dwell tach." The fellow got this absolutely bizarre look on his face, somewhere between "Whatchoo talkin' about" and "Am I gonna get in trouble 'cause this is something I should know?" Then he asked me what a "do-well tach" was. That's the way he pronounced it. I said, "Dwell-tach." He turned to the next guy and said, "Do you know what a "do-well tach" is?" That guy just turned to the next one, the one that appeared to be in charge, and asked him. He said he had no idea what I was talking about. That's when the old guy from the back came out, said "No, we don't have a dwell-tach anywhere in this kiddy-car store, ya troublemaker," and we were off to the races. Love talking to that guy.