So, as most of you know, I managed to barf a head gasket or two on the Mustang during test-n-tune on Sunday. (Bookend #1) Despite having a NASCAR level pit crew of guys willing to help change them, I was pissed and acted like a jerk and put it on the trailer and I apologize for that.....
Then, I drove the Durango (affectionately known as "Heavy D") all week, had a freaking blast, met cool people, took a gazillion pics and basically had the time of my life.
Heading home today, I filled up with gas just before getting on the Turnpike in Edmond, OK. While accelerating back on the highway, the truck was in 1st, it revved to 4000ish, then shifted to 2nd for a couple of seconds, then proceeded to shift BACK TO 1ST, the mighty Magnum screamed like a weedeater and the sweet (sweet like candy, not sweet like 'awesome') smell of hot antifreeze permeated my nostrils..... Hello bookend #2.
EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
Rolled up to an overpass and stopped under it. Popped the hood and there was coolant everywhere. FAIL. At first I thought it was a hose... uhhh nope. So out came the tools and I began exploratory surgery. State Trooper pulls up and tells me if I need roadside assistance to dial *55. He asks about the numbers on the car and I explain Drag Week to him and he blasts off.
After he leaves, I remember a friend from jr. high/ high school who I am friends with on Facebook lives in Edmond. I check Shawn's FB page, but he does not have his phone number on there. I send him a message thru FB and about 10 minutes later he calls. He just lives a couple of miles from where I was at!
5 minutes later he shows up and I pretty much have everything taken apart and decide the water pump bearings took a crap judging by the way the fan & pulley would flop around. lol I didn't have a tool to get the fan off the water pump or a piece of wire to thread thru the pulley to tie off to a bolt, so we lock everything up and head to Oreilly's. They had a bypass hose and water pump but didn't have the tool and neither did the 2 other parts stores we went to....
Undeterred, we decide we just need some wire.... but where to get wire??????? A DRY CLEANERS that's where! Stopped at the first dry cleaners we saw and snagged 4 wire hangers out of the wire hanger recycling bin! WIN!
Went back, swapped the pump, buttoned it all back up, filled it with antifreeze and let her rip. FIXED! Said our goodbye's and I hauled butt for Amarillo. Got here at 9, twelve hours after I left Topeka. What a day. lol
Heavy D down for the count.

Shawn topping off the radiator.

Then, I drove the Durango (affectionately known as "Heavy D") all week, had a freaking blast, met cool people, took a gazillion pics and basically had the time of my life.
Heading home today, I filled up with gas just before getting on the Turnpike in Edmond, OK. While accelerating back on the highway, the truck was in 1st, it revved to 4000ish, then shifted to 2nd for a couple of seconds, then proceeded to shift BACK TO 1ST, the mighty Magnum screamed like a weedeater and the sweet (sweet like candy, not sweet like 'awesome') smell of hot antifreeze permeated my nostrils..... Hello bookend #2.
EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
Rolled up to an overpass and stopped under it. Popped the hood and there was coolant everywhere. FAIL. At first I thought it was a hose... uhhh nope. So out came the tools and I began exploratory surgery. State Trooper pulls up and tells me if I need roadside assistance to dial *55. He asks about the numbers on the car and I explain Drag Week to him and he blasts off.
After he leaves, I remember a friend from jr. high/ high school who I am friends with on Facebook lives in Edmond. I check Shawn's FB page, but he does not have his phone number on there. I send him a message thru FB and about 10 minutes later he calls. He just lives a couple of miles from where I was at!
5 minutes later he shows up and I pretty much have everything taken apart and decide the water pump bearings took a crap judging by the way the fan & pulley would flop around. lol I didn't have a tool to get the fan off the water pump or a piece of wire to thread thru the pulley to tie off to a bolt, so we lock everything up and head to Oreilly's. They had a bypass hose and water pump but didn't have the tool and neither did the 2 other parts stores we went to....
Undeterred, we decide we just need some wire.... but where to get wire??????? A DRY CLEANERS that's where! Stopped at the first dry cleaners we saw and snagged 4 wire hangers out of the wire hanger recycling bin! WIN!
Went back, swapped the pump, buttoned it all back up, filled it with antifreeze and let her rip. FIXED! Said our goodbye's and I hauled butt for Amarillo. Got here at 9, twelve hours after I left Topeka. What a day. lol
Heavy D down for the count.

Shawn topping off the radiator.
