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Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

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  • Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

  • #2
    Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

    I don't see the respective states giving up control, not without a fight. Especially not CA.

    Since CA basically sets their own standard tighter than everyone elses, Detroit must comply in order to sell cars there.... Life would be hell if the Federal standard were the same as CA's... And I don't see some other states being coerced into accepting a CA standard.


    • #3
      Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

      If I were the CEO of either of the Big Three, I'd tell Nancy Pelosi et al: "No problem. You guys do what you want in regards to emissions. We are bowing out of the California car market. The existing stock of California Emissions-equipped vehicles will be the last produced by us, as it is simply too expensive to have two sets of R&D testing, packaging engineering and design, and all the other issues unique to the California car market. With the current economic situation, we believe cutting the state of California from our market will decrease corporate losses, both in terms of the afore-mentioned emissions regulations, as well as shipping, taxes and other fees.

      We will also be closing all operations in California, as it is simply too expensive to conduct business there. We wish our competitors the best of luck in the California market."

      At some point, don't the Big Three just have to throw up their arms and say "Okay, that's enough. Uncle!"



      • #4
        Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

        Brad, I was kind of dreaming of the same situation, with the caveat that they hold a press conference and invite Pelosi under the guise of making a, "major breakthrough in business strategy".

        Stand up there, make your announcement, and then invite her to make remarks.

        I'd PAY to see the look on her face.

        That which you manifest is before you.


        • #5
          Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

          Seems to me you might be missing the point...what they're probably talking about is the "greenhouse gas" thing...some states want to try to reduce CO2 emissions more than the feds require. This has nothing to do with the Federal pollution regulations, or smog tests, or aftermarket parts. It's all about fuel mileage.

          Although I could be wrong....

          My fabulous web page

          "If it don't go, chrome it!" --Stroker McGurk


          • #6
            Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

            In anycase, I'll drink this this.
            Escaped on a technicality.


            • #7
              Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

              Vermont wants CA emission standards, or even tighter controls.

              They won't quit until we all have to ride horses again, LOL


              • #8
                Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

                Unfortunately, the easy thing for all the states to do would be to agree to mandate all new cars to comply with CA standards.

                We haven't had any emissions or vehicle safety inspections in FL for over 20 years. I remember waiting in long lines, as a kid in mom's car, for the inspection.

                If I have to make my Blazer conform to what it should have been in 1982, with it's original six cylinder, I'll be in trouble. You'll be hearing from me, asking questions how to pass a sniff test. Pretty sure the 68 Chevelle would be exempt... but if it isn't... oh man.


                • #9
                  Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decide on Auto Emissions

                  It makes me want to throw a High Compression Big Block in my Chevelle with no exhaust....

                  Oh Wait....

                  I was going to do that anyway. ;D

                  That EPA moron can suck tailpipe....

                  200 mph or bust.......


                  • #10
                    Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

                    Hold on guys - this is, believe it or not, a good thing. Somehow the states got the right to pass their own rules and standards. Cali is the most well known, but the NE states are gunning for tighter, DIFFERENT standards - different from the Federal requirements AND, most likely, from California. The Inspection and Maintenance process and standards are different all over the country, too. So what the Administrator Elect is saying is that we need to have the same rules everywhere so the manufacturers can make one car that will be sale-able everywhere. CA may be forced to give a bit (they have been a real PITA on this) and the 49 may have to live with somewhat tighter standards. All in all, this is a good thing if they can pull it off. Let's give 'em a chance and see if they can make it work.

                    As far as rules effecting our old cars - who knows? Nothing in what I've seen so far has any direct effect on that topic so we'll have to see what those proposals look like. If it makes a difference to us, SEMA will let us know and we all better sign up and do our part.



                    • #11
                      Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

                      Originally posted by DanStokes
                      Hold on guys - this is, believe it or not, a good thing. Somehow the states got the right to pass their own rules and standards. Cali is the most well known, but the NE states are gunning for tighter, DIFFERENT standards - different from the Federal requirements AND, most likely, from California. The Inspection and Maintenance process and standards are different all over the country, too. So what the Administrator Elect is saying is that we need to have the same rules everywhere so the manufacturers can make one car that will be sale-able everywhere. CA may be forced to give a bit (they have been a real PITA on this) and the 49 may have to live with somewhat tighter standards. All in all, this is a good thing if they can pull it off. Let's give 'em a chance and see if they can make it work.

                      As far as rules effecting our old cars - who knows? Nothing in what I've seen so far has any direct effect on that topic so we'll have to see what those proposals look like. If it makes a difference to us, SEMA will let us know and we all better sign up and do our part.


                      I hope this is the case. Do you think there is anyone smart enough in this deal to just adopt the European standards so that all those high MPG cars that Ford and GM build there can be sold here? Doubt it.


                      • #12
                        Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

                        Just wondering do you think it would help to get a classic/antique tag for my cars? Do you think they'll let us alone if we have those tags? No inspection needed. BTW I'm in Pennsylvania.


                        • #13
                          Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

                          LONG LIVE TODAYS GAS A HOL..............E85! What can they possibly complain about when it has almost no harmful emissions.

                          It's almost as dumb as a fleet of recycling trucks that eat up more fuel and release more emissions than it would EVER take to make it all new 10 times over (only works because of government subsidy, save aluminum). I live in Washington now and EVERY day 10 different garbage trucks roll down my street waking me up so everyone can have a different garbage company, and 3 different recycling trucks. They haul GARBAGE all over the state, up and down, round and round all for the lie of recycling, I'm sure they've figured out that if people are stupid enough to swallow that lie, surely this one will fly right on by.

                          The real motive behind actions like this has nothing to do with old cars, its the free thinking people who own them that our puss bag government wants to crush.


                          • #14
                            Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

                            I think you're fairly new on here so you probably don't know my history. I'm retired from the US Gov't. EPA where I worked 31 1/2 years doing emissions testing as a tech. I've said this before but you likely haven't read it, so I'll repeat -

                            It's actually worse than that. The rule makers just don't even consider folks like us when they make these rules. We're a fairly small number compared to the general motoring public, and they're trying to get the emissions down and the FE up on the most vehicles that that they can. They don't want to crush anyone - they just have "target fixation" on their assigned task - in this case, how to lower emissions and improve fuel economy. It's our job to make damn sure that they know we're out here, we vote, and we're watching. I know of no better tool than SEMA (no, I don't work for them) to get this done. Every group that gets their point across (NRA, AARP, etc) all have one thing in common - a powerful lobbying effort in DC. SEMA is ours and we need to support it.

                            It's easy to assign some malicious intent to people in the Gov. I worked with these folks for most of my career and I know that they're NOT malicious, just myopic. They just don't SEE us. Really, they mean well and are trying to get things done that need done. The question is how to get these results without crushing people underfoot - people that they are virtually unaware are getting trampled. Again, we need to speak up thru our lobbying group and and get policies in place that allow us the freedom that we need. You and I are on the same side - the question is how to get what we want and need.


                            Originally posted by dthemi

                            The real motive behind actions like this has nothing to do with old cars, its the free thinking people who own them that our puss bag government wants to crush.


                            • #15
                              Re: Friday Excuse to Go Home Early and Drink: New EPA Boss Wants States to Decid

                              Brian -
                              I just went back and reread your original blog entry. It's interesting - the part of the Administrator Elect's statement that you quoted doesn't make it clear if she was trying to let states have their own emissions standards, or if she was trying to STOP states from having their own standards. Your response sounds like you were assuming that states can't do this now and she was trying to allow them to do it. Actually, the opposite is true. The states got the right to pass standards that are more stringent than Federal standards some time ago - California made and won the case that because of their crappy air they needed stricter standards, and this ruling was extended to all states. So she's saying that the standards need to me combined into one standard for the nation so that the car makers can build one car for all 50. I'd like to see that taken further and for us to work out a deal with Canada and Mexico so vehicles could be traded freely across the immediate borders (I haven't heard of any effort to do that).


