I'm sitting in my H3, talking on the phone, in an empty lot. Suddenly, I hear "thump"... wtf, I say outloud - lady had parked next to me, so close that she couldn't get out of her car. Why she thought her POS Camry could move a Hummer is a little beyond me - however, given her responses (as follows), it's not surprising how stupid people can be.
I got out of my car, walked around to the passenger side, saw her car door against my car and said "why did you open your door into my car?", she said "well, I needed to get out of my car", I responded, "why didn't you park far enough away so that you wouldn't damage my car?" she mubbled something, but I have no idea what - incendiary. I looked at her, and said "lady you have two choices", " 1) you move your car somewhere else, or 2) you walk away and I call the cops and report that you've hit and run from an accident."
She chose option 1.
selfish, useless people.
I will say, though, I'm quite proud of myself because in my past I may have been involved with denting an old guy's legs, and denting the snot out of a jeep.... I'm growing up - I simply threatened police
I got out of my car, walked around to the passenger side, saw her car door against my car and said "why did you open your door into my car?", she said "well, I needed to get out of my car", I responded, "why didn't you park far enough away so that you wouldn't damage my car?" she mubbled something, but I have no idea what - incendiary. I looked at her, and said "lady you have two choices", " 1) you move your car somewhere else, or 2) you walk away and I call the cops and report that you've hit and run from an accident."
She chose option 1.
selfish, useless people.
I will say, though, I'm quite proud of myself because in my past I may have been involved with denting an old guy's legs, and denting the snot out of a jeep.... I'm growing up - I simply threatened police
