If you haven’t been to a truck and tractor pulling event, or haven’t watched the videos from these events, then you might not know just how crazy the action can be. The carnage is real, and sometimes almost unbelievable. I’ve seen trucks and tractors blow the engines so spectacularly as to blow them clean out of the vehicle. Or split a block in half from end to end and run over it’s own crankshaft. These things are often at the limits and it shows.
And when they do giant wheelstands and bounce violently enough to break the front ends off, that’s pretty gnarly too. Check out some of the best, well actually worst, from the Hooked Up Pulling Productions YouTube channel that they have put together from 2023 and let us know what you think.
Video Description:
Tractor and Truck pulling wild rides, wrecks, fires and mishaps from pulls across the United States from 2023!