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NASCAR reporter Dustin Long earned his keep this week

NASCAR reporter Dustin Long earned his keep this week

Sometimes the life of a journalist can be difficult. Why just look at the photo above, which was taken at the Ohio Mile the moment Lohnes realized they ran out of the chilled Perrier and fresh lemons he demands in his contract rider. As difficult as that experience was for Brian, consider the case of NASCAR reporter Dustin Long: He was interviewing Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and fell off a scale in the pits, breaking his ankle in the process.

Dustin Long persevered, completing his interview with Junior before being taken to the hospital with an injury makes you wince just looking at it — WARNING: THIS PICTURE MADE ME WOOZY:



Dale Jr. took the hit for Long’s accident:


…but the next day, Long was back at it, moving around under his own power on a pair of crutches:


Dustin Long writes for Motor Racing Network, and managed to file this story on Dale Jr. by 10:30 on Saturday morning.


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