Truck Show Video: C10 Intervention 2024 In Woodland California Was Small Town Cool And Had Awesome Rides

Truck Show Video: C10 Intervention 2024 In Woodland California Was Small Town Cool And Had Awesome Rides

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and he was asking about car events in California and whether there were really as many as it seemed. He had recently found a website that lists California car and truck events and couldn’t believe how many things were happening each and every week. And when he went looking at event fliers and past event photos he was surprised by how several of them had “small town” feel to them. Because SoCal is such a big area, with major cities within it, folks who aren’t from southern California often don’t realize that there are a lot of “small cities” that help make up SoCal proper. And this describes California in general.

California is made up of big cities, small towns, and everything in between, with a huge portion of the state dedicated to agriculture. That means that you go through farmland, orchards, etc, as you travel through any part of California. Big cities, small towns, and more.

And when so many of them host downtown cruises and car shows, it makes for some fun times and really does have that home town flavor at certain events. The C10 Intervention is a bit like that because it is located in the town of Woodland and involves shutting down main street to cruise and show. What could be cooler than that?

Check out the video and let us know what truck is your favorite. We’ve got several!

Video Description:

We headed up to Woodland California for the annual C10 Intervention. They shut the downtown area off for a huge cruise and then the next day for the show. Great times.

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