
the car junkie daily magazine.


Minnesota State Trooper Pulls Over Deathtrap Pinto, Takes Pictures. Roadkill, Eat Your Heart Out.

Minnesota State Trooper Pulls Over Deathtrap Pinto, Takes Pictures. Roadkill, Eat Your Heart Out.

(Editor’s note: As we continue to creep towards New Year’s Day, it is fun to look back over 2014 and see the blog items that really got people’s attention. This was one of them, a pinto so clapped out and jacked up that even we wouldn’t drive it and that is really saying something. See for yourself) Everybody has Ford Pinto jokes that involve “ka-boom” somewhere in the punchline. But this particular Pinto wagon just might take the cake for being the most unsafe of them all. In 2012 a Minnesota State Trooper pulled the car over, preparing to cite the driver for unsafe equipment. After seeing what he was up against, I don’t doubt for a second that the entire ticket book was used. The car was impounded after it was determined that the driver had no license.


This thing is horrifying. The floors are freaking gone. Not just a little either. The body looks like it’s ready to fall off of the floorpan onto the ground. The thing is about as nasty and disgusting as it gets, and then you see it:



Yep. A tire over the missing floor, holding a gas can, with a fuel pump screwed into the door, routed out of the window straight to the engine. Doesn’t get much better than that, does it? The worst part is that what little of the passenger floor remains is seconds away from calling it a day and falling off. How it’s supporting the weight of the tire and the gas can is beyond us. I sincerely hope that Minnesota permanently yanks this dude’s license, because this is one complete C.F. that even Freiburger and Finnegan wouldn’t touch.

Click Here to see the archived story and more pictures



(Thanks to Tedly for the tip!)

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12 thoughts on “Minnesota State Trooper Pulls Over Deathtrap Pinto, Takes Pictures. Roadkill, Eat Your Heart Out.

  1. Blue'67CamaroRS

    Wow – I think the old style fuel pump is older than the car. For a little fairness, I also think that’s a boat type fuel can. We had one in our J-10 that we plowed snow with at the shop. It was in the bed, though!

  2. GT

    New fuel line out the window is just showing off since firewall and floor hole are available.
    That boat tank put in the rear seat area with a cover{usually a floor mat} and held down with a seat belt passes tech for demo derbys here in Missouri.
    Boat tank required.

  3. Big Al

    Just about the time you think that Pintos couldn’t get any worse….. This almost makes a Yugo look good.

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