No matter what you think you know about your car, a good mantra to live by is “don’t get in over your head”. There are things that are simple enough that anyone can do, and there’s things that only trained professionals should be doing. Changing something like a taillight bulb is a relatively simple operation that I recommend any vehicle owner try out at least once. Timing your engine is not. If you engine is not properly timed, the range of problems you will end up having vary from “runs like shit” to “catastrophic failure”. Saving a few bucks on skilled labor can turn around and bite you in the ass quickly if you screw up the task. Case in point: apparently a Chilton’s manual wasn’t enough to teach the talented owner of this vehicle that the dots on each gear must line up. I know it’s in there, I’ve done this task a time or two. That’s why you read everything before you attempt something, Junior!
Now, to the guy in the video: I understand the frustration, really, I do. But the dig at the parts stores? Really? We just sell the parts. Just because some oxygen thief attempted to give crapcan some advance in his timing doesn’t mean we’re to blame!
two teeth off on the front cam, four teeth off on the rear cam….he was putting his own advance/retard on it for more “performance”
How many valves can you bend at one time?
So how does one learn with out making mistakes? We should all give up now until we go to a trade school? Everyone here who does real work on their car should stop and get certified?
Yeah, the guy screwed up trying to time his car. It’s unfortunate but it happens. That’s no reason to give up trying learn.
Four decades a dealership rat. T-belts started out “gravy” then turned nasty in a lot of cases. Worst in memory was four cam Dodge Stealth. PT cruiser is no walk in the park either. Now a scan tool relearn is required in many cases.
T-belt people have it easy. This guy has no excuse for not following the directions well.
Here in Land Cruiser land, cheapo Chinese t-gears are wiping out unobtanium motors right and left. Not to mention dingus driveway mechanics that don’t run the cam in far enough and lunch a bunch of other parts as well.
That said, I agree with the “learning lesson” sentiment. Hopefully he hasn’t massacred his valves and can get the engine put right.
The boy is an idiot but he does have a point about Auto Zone. The clowns that work there don’t know a headlight from a bumper. I’ve quit going there after a string of either wrong or screwed up parts at two different stores.
I’ve bought parts from many chain auto part store, never had a problem. Usually giving the wrong info is the problem.
The guy in the video is a dumbass. Stupid is as stupid does.
Video is brilliant!
That’s an expensive lesson, but one the owner will remember. Gotta learn somehow.
i like my engines to have one cam and a timing chain. it’s kinda hard to fuck that up, i did a chain and cam gear in my buddy’s driveway in a couple hours, truck runs mint now.
How about don’t go into Autozone and ask the guy behind the counter technical questions about the job if you don’t know what your doing. Don’t ask parts guys at the dealership either, thats what the service department is for. If you don’t know what you’re doing then you can pay someone who does. Its quite simple really.
Parts guys sell parts. Your problem if you don’t know what to do with them.