Three weeks ago our friend Fred Williams at 4-Wheel & Off-Road magazine told us that he was going to compete in King of the Hammers, a rockcrawling off-road race held in Johnson Valley, California. We were dying to go but couldn’t, and only now did we think to go surf YouTube for some action from the event.
This is a new type of racing that has come up over the past few years. It evolved from guys doing trailrides in their Jeeps, but now it’s all about tube-chassis, dedicated rock buggies with big horsepower, which we approve. They take a trail that a normal guy would crawl and blast over it as fast as they can.
You’ve got to check out this clip below where Shannon Campbell actually drives over the tire of another competitor who has rolled his buggy on its side. It rules. For a complete rundown on the King of the Hammers, see the page on