
the car junkie daily magazine.


Event Coverage: Thousands Of Hot Rods Drive The Bay To Birdwood Cruise in Adelaide Australia

Event Coverage: Thousands Of Hot Rods Drive The Bay To Birdwood Cruise in Adelaide Australia

The Tearle brothers send us an email on Sunday saying that they had been to a super cool cruise in Adelaide, Australia and had photos to share if we were interested. Well of course we were! Especially when John told us that there were 2000+ hot rods cruising from the Bay to Birdwood. And the government is so all over this that they actually take the two lane road that goes to Birdwood and make it one way for certain hours so that everyone can cruise side by side. That’s pretty bitchin in our book. We’ve got 70+ photos of some of the coolness that was on the trip, so check it out below.

Big thanks to the Tearle brothers for sending in their photos. We appreciate it.

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1 thoughts on “Event Coverage: Thousands Of Hot Rods Drive The Bay To Birdwood Cruise in Adelaide Australia

  1. John T

    Thanks Chad for getting the pictures up so quick, I should just clarify though, that there were two events here – the Bay to Birdwood is for restored cars , and the Palmer hot rod party just happened to be in the next town across, so while its just supposed to be restored cars on the Bay to Birdwood in reality quite a lot of hot rods and muscle cars cruised through that way to get to Palmer. The authorities and spectators (thousands of people line the way ) are all cool with hot rods being in the run though and wave anyway!

    On another note its just coming into Spring in Australia, so really this is just the start of the season for shows, runs etc. I’d be glad to send more photos of upcoming events!!

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